Chapter 209 - 210

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Chapter 209

The premiere was held the night before and the movie was officially released at 12 midnight the next morning.

The release of An Li was no different from the other Huaxia movies. At most, they would be released domestically one day earlier, then released simultaneously all over the world. This was a convenience for the Huaxia people. Everyone expected it but even at the midnight session, An Li’s sessions were full!

Many people booked movie tickets and at the cinema early. Before the movie began, they saw that many famous film critics and journalist editors were constantly recommending it. These audiences were already waiting and now they hurried to see the movie.

After watching the movie, most people left the cinema with tears in their eyes and memorable moments.

Some people were shocked by the reversal of the movie’s plot. Some people were saddened by the helplessness of the protagonists’ fate. Some people were shocked by the beautiful and fine video effects. Some people thought this movie had a large impact on the meaning of their lives.

All in all, after the release of the movie at midnight, An Li’s score on Huaxia’s biggest movie review site, Douban, reached a high score of 9.7! This was after tens of thousands of people left a review!

Many of them said that they reason why they gave a 9 instead of a perfect score was because the beauty in this movie was too terrible. Look at the leads Fang Liangxiu and Xiao Biqing, their beauty was ruined! Look at Bai Xiu played by Ming Yu. He died early yet he looked old when dying!

It could be called beauty past one’s prime but they exposed the truth so clearly!

It was also with the beautiful male god Fang, movie queen Xiao and Ming Xiaoyu!

In just one day of release in Huaxia’s major theatres, An Li won an excellent audience score! After one day, the national box office was as high as 600 million! It suddenly broke through the 400 million that was Xi Yizong’s best movie result and far exceeded it!

On the second day, An Li was released in more than 30 countries including the United States, Britain, France, Japan, South Korea and Canada! The box office swiftly increased as an unimaginable speed. Even Xu Yizong couldn’t help his eyes widening once the statistics of the global box office came out.

1.4 billion!

This number was naturally in yuan. But in just two days, the global box office was as high as 2 billion. This really surpassed all his movies in the past!

As you know, the entertainment industry was quite prosperous in this world. Many people liked to go out to watch movies, especially in Huaxia and the United States. The bustling entertainment industry made these countries have a leisurely life. Watching movies was the first choice for many people.

However, even if the entertainment industry was so prosperous, the record of ‘2 billion global box office in two days’ was something that no one could believe. This was after only one day of global release. What if it was a few days?

Sure enough, An Li’s box office reached 3.5 billion in three days.

5.5. billion for four days!

8 billion for seven days!


Once it was the end of February, this Huaxia costume martial arts movie had a total of 12 billion global office after less than two weeks of release!

This number was still climbing because the high praise made many viewers watch it two or three times. The fans who originally didn’t care about An Li were now curious to see what type of movie it was.

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