Chapter 008

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Chapter 008

After a private talk with Brother Luo, Zhao Rui thought this opportunity was very important. He quickly negotiated with the other magazine and agreed to cooperate three days after this conversation.

This meant that after Ming Yu returned from Fashion Entertainment, he had three days of freedom. In the past, the first reaction of Ming Yu whenever he had a break was to ask about what Cheng Su was doing. Therefore, Zhao Rui was surprised when Ming Yu now asked him seriously. “Brother Zhao, do you have copies of the world’s major magazines over the past 10 years?”

Due to Zhao Rui’s repeated requests, Ming Yu no longer used honorifics with Zhao Rui.

Zhao Rui thought he didn’t hear properly until Ming Yu repeated it. Then he replied, “The magazines over the past 10 years for the world’s major magazines? Isn’t this too much? I don’t think there is a spacious collection room large enough to contain all of this.”

Ming Yu thought for a moment before adding, “It is fine as long as it the top magazines, first-tier and second-tier magazines.”

Zhao Rui thought carefully before he suddenly recalled something. “Yes! I’m not certain, but I think the company definitely has this! I remember that the company’s basement was designed to collect the major magazines for each year. There might not be second-tier magazines, but the first-tier magazines would certainly be there.” Having said that, Zhao Rui stopped before asking with confusion. “Ming Yu, what are you doing to do with them?”

The delicate and handsome youth smiled lightly. “I want to start reading magazines.”

Zhao Rui was naturally thinking something completely different from Ming Yu. From Zhao Rui’s perspective, most models in fashion shows or photo shoots would read the magazine a few hours before it took place. They got in the right mood before starting the shoot or catwalk. What was there to specifically study?

However, Ming Yu thought differently.

What was a fashion magazine?

Fashion magazines were the most obvious signs of the current fashion style.

Apart from the gossip that didn’t require much attention, the top magazines contained seasonal fashion trends, recent fashion shows and some of the basic information about the fashion world.

Yes, fashion magazines would help Ming Yu understand this world better.

At present, Ming Yu’s understanding of the world was based on the memories of the original owner. However, some of his memories were vague. He also didn’t care about some people in the fashion industry. For example, he didn’t remember Zhu Wei. In this case, reading the fashion magazines was the best way to completely integrate into this world.

Zhao Rui got Ming Yu a borrowing card and for three days, Ming Yu completely immersed himself in the tens of thousands of fashion magazines.

Ming Yu read very quickly, but he memorized all the useful contents. On the second day, he finished reading all the paper based fashion magazines. Then on the third day, he finished the electronic magazines that appeared in recent years.

This type of reading was really boring, even if they were colourful fashion magazines. Zhao Rui couldn’t stand it. So, on the second day, he drove Ming Yu to the company then sneaked out of the collections room.

The warm sunshine shone through the small window into the collections room, illuminating the handsome young man sitting alone in a corner chair, head bent over a magazine and flipping through it. The speed of his actions wasn’t slow, but it felt like this scene was a freeze-frame, a quiet and beautiful picture.

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