Chapter 005

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Chapter 005

The bright and spacious studio, full of equipment and employees walking around. The high quality SLR camera snapped as they shot photos, while the models in the lens showed off their most dazzling side.

In the middle of the crowd, Zhao Rui listened to Ming Yu’s words and couldn’t help feeling a trace of guilt. He sighed and said, “Yes, when I went to get your clothes, I found out that Fashion Entertainment decided to change your image.”

Ming Yu’s eyes narrowed, “Was it the deputy editor?”

“Well, the deputy editor is Zhu Wei’s lover. Sister Lin’s words were true and Zhu Wei has been acting ostentatiously lately. He is probably angry at your previous behaviour, causing this to happen.”

Zhao Rui paused before continuing. “Ming Yu, I am also to blame. I don’t have a lot of weight in the company, so I can’t fight for more rights for you. In fact, they wanted you to shoot with an explicit style, which was really too much. I managed to negotiate with them and it was replaced with the present clothes.”

Ming Yu looked at the clothes in Zhao Rui’s hand. He pondered for a moment before saying, “Brother Zhao, this incident was caused by me. It is my fault so don’t take it to heart. I think that this type of style is also very good.”

Zhao Rui listened to these words and thought Ming Yu was trying to comfort him. He immediately took responsibility. “How can you say that you caused it? I, as your agent, couldn’t stand up and help you when you are being humiliated. Now that you are deliberately oppressed by the magazine, it is obviously my fault!”

Ming Yu was surprised by Zhao Rui’s solemn tone. He glanced at the red face of his anxious agent. Slowly, his heart that had been floating in the air since coming to this world finally stabilized completely.

The youth couldn’t help showing a brilliant smile on his beautiful face. Ming Yu nodded. “Yes, yes, I was wrong. Brother Zhao… shouldn’t I quickly go and change clothes? It is my turn to take the photos now.”

Zhao Rui nodded and they walked together to the changing room.

There were too many models today, so the studio had set up a lot of temporary changing rooms. The changing room only had a few curtains to cover the inside, with no locks, so Zhao Rui stood guard at the door while Ming Yu changed.

One was a male model who once appeared in a first-tier magazine, and the other person was the agent of a popular model. Now the two of them were reduced to this. It really was like starting from scratch.

Today, Ming Yu decided to take this inexperienced agent with him towards the top of the fashion industry.

Zhao Rui was a hard-working agent and dedicated to his models, fighting for resources. However, he was still a little young and inexperienced, not throughly understand the nature of this work. Cheng Su could rise because the company took the initiative to give a lot of resources to Ming Yu, while Cheng Su stole. Then Cheng Su dumped Zhao Rui as his agent...

Ming Yu sighed. He felt like his agent’s capacity wasn’t sufficient.

However, he didn’t forget his history. Zhao Rui had been really good to him and fought for resources. Ming Yu realized it. This world was real. There were many good and pure people in the world. Since he came here, he naturally had to make some changes.

The youth opened the curtain and walked out of the changing room. Zhao Rui, who was waiting outside the curtain, stopped with surprise for a moment, but slowly recovered.

From three years ago to now, Zhao Rui witnessed the birth of a ‘top supermodel.’ The reason for the quotation marks was that this young man had the qualities to become a top supermodel. However, now only had he failed to become world famous in three years, he gradually took a downhill path.

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