Chapter 052

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Chapter 052

On this quiet and beautiful New Year’s Eve, the moonlight shone coolly on the earth. Outside the window, it was a rare quiet moment, with almost no traffic because everyone was at home with their family and loved ones.

Although this man really tried to deceive him, Ming Yu wasn’t angry. On the contrary, he thought that the other person was interesting. Finding Ming Yu on a whim to eat dinner together, only to eat his own food after waiting 10 minutes.

—This type of behaviour, he didn’t know from when it began.

But… there was one thing that Ming Yu cared about.

“Xi Ze, since you came to eat with me, does this mean you aren’t going home for the new year?” Ming Yu gently rested his hands on the glass on the coffee table and laughed. “I really appreciate your kindness, but you should be home for the new year. Being with family is really important.”

They might be friends, but Ming Yu thought it was a bit much for the other person to leave his family.

As soon as these words were heard, Xi Ze suddenly made a strange facial expression and sighed. “I was driven out.”

Ming Yu, “…”

After a long moment, Ming Yu’s mouth twitched and he couldn’t help saying, “So, you came to find me after being driven out of your home?” The youth said the last words through gritted teeth. His beautiful face made his expression look very vivid.

Xi Ze saw the youth’s ‘Believe it or not, I will drive you out right now’ and replied indifferently, “Don’t you want to know why I was driven out?”

Ming Yu smiled, “I don’t want to know.”

Xi Ze, “…”

A moment later, Xi Ze calmly said, “Since you want to know, I can tell you. In fact…”

“Hey, I said I don’t want to know!”

“I said to the couple, I have a friend who has no relatives and few friends in the capital. He might be very lonely on Chinese New Year, so I want to invite him home.”

Ming Yu’s voice subsided as he became immersed in the man’s dark and mysterious eyes.

Seeing the handsome and elegant face slightly loosen up, XI Ze showed a touch of a faint smile and continued, “After I said this, even though I rarely return home a few times a year, the young couple directly kicked me out of the door and said to me, ‘Spend the new year with your friend, your parents will be in a romantic couple’s world.’”

Ming Yu couldn’t help laughing as he heard this. He helplessly raised his hands and asked, “Xi Ze, is it really okay to call your parents ‘the couple’?”

Xi Ze raised an eyebrow, “Is there a problem?”

Ming Yu helplessly spread open his hands. “It is good if you are happy.”

This New Year’s Eve, Ming Yu never experienced it.

For the first 20 years of his previous life, he struggled alone. Forget New Years, he didn’t rest throughout the whole year. Then he slowly gained fame and had more and more friends. His Chinese New Year was often eating with a friend and then returning to an empty house. He counted down the seconds alone, waiting the arrival of the new year.

This time, by coincidence, he actually spent the new year with Xi Ze. This feeling was really wonderful, making Ming Yu refreshed. Thus, he gradually removed his defenses as he talked to the man sitting across from him.

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