In the One We Trust

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We stared at the remaining three slots and all of us frowned. Here was where the hard part came.

It would be tricky to decide the last three contestants. Especially the pair. The information windows opened and slowly but surely, the number of choices shrunk. Those who could not synergize, those who lacked individuality, and those who simply were not strong enough were all eliminated. However, a group of undecided candidates slowly grew as well. There were still many possible countries who we needed to observe and many others we needed to approach. As our discussions slowly ground to a halt, I noticed that America had been eerily quiet. His gaze was focused on the figures–one in particular.

"America? Do you want to tell us what you're thinking?" Russia asked. America reached towards the figure he was so fixated on and slid it into a tile.

"I nominate Germany to fight as one of the main contestants," he declared with complete seriousness. His eyes gleamed as if daring us to oppose. The room went stiff as the rest of us silently grimaced. This demanding mindset was something I wanted to avoid but then again...

Russia sighed and looked away. Five had no objection to be made either which I could understand. It always seemed to take me by surprise, the fact that we all forgot how commanding America could be. But as the one who had to approve everything, I needed to ask.

"Please explain, America," I prompted as I expanded Germany's information column.

I will admit, he showed the most promise besides the two who sat before me but I was reluctant. Given his past, the vicious nature of his Awakening, and especially the recent situation with the Imperial Eagle making an appearance, it was risky to allow his participation.

"Well first off he is a cool dude," America shrugged, "He's basically an encyclopedia plus twenty filing cabinets and a pamphlet or two-"

"What does that even mean?"

"He's a good strategist and responds well with instructions. He's strong enough to hold his own out there and he has first hand experience fighting with China–did pretty well if I do say so myself. That's a no brainer in my book."

Russia rolled his eyes, "You just want to fight that bird again, don't you?"

"That's... a welcome bonus, yes. Besides, he works incredibly with Poland so invite him along and that's two peeps down!"

America finished with his explanation and made a 'boom' gesture. I admit his reasoning was somewhat compelling but there was still something eating away at my consciousness. Five turned to me and perceived that something was the matter.

"Well that sounds fun and all but you should talk to the people in question first," he suggested. I nodded and they were sent on their merry way, leaving us to discuss in private.

As soon as the door closed, I took off my reading glasses and closed my tired eyes, exhausted from a prolonged session with my Awakening.

"I didn't even realize you were using your Awakening," Five admitted, "Up until the end of course. What's gotten you so worried?"

"I remembered something about Ame I noted previously and just wanted to confirm what I saw. The first instance happened while you were away," I sighed, "When I tried to peer into his preordained tapestry, I could see nothing at all."

"Wait- DOES THAT MEAN HE'S GONNA DIE?!" Five cried out as he jolted upright, forgetting all about his nose.

"If that were the case, I would have seen that possibility. But there was no such thing. There was nothing!" I rubbed my temples to shut out the headache that I knew was coming. Even Five was unsure of what to say so we both slumped back into our seats and grumbled.

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