🌻❄ | 3rd of December

661 8 5

Look I know its the 4th
just- look I wanted to post lol


Ship - Clingy!Selever × Male!Y/N
Theme - SnowFluff


You sat in your bed, staring at the strong blizzard that was dousing your house in snow. You laid against your pillow and closed your eyes, inhaling the warm, crispy air.

Suddenly your door opened.

..revealing your boyfriend, Selever, wearing a sweater around his waist and his usual red shirt on.

"..Selever? You were- It's snowing cats and dogs out there, how did you get here??" you sat up a little.

"Don't tell him, but, I drove my dad's car. He left his keys on the table and I decided to come over." He smiled a little, opening the door more.

"Okay fine, I won't tell Ruv but you owe me." you chuckled and hugged your knees.

He untied the sweater around his waist and handed it to you as he sat down. "Do you take sweaters in payment?" he laughed nudging me. "..In all seriousness though, I brought you it cause I thought you'd be cold.."

You put the green sweater over your head and on your body. With a smile, you nodded. "..alright, deal, I'll take it as payment." You answered, hugging him.

He seemed to take pleasure in the fact you liked the sweater he brought and patted you on the head. "Thank me later, Roachie."

"Thank you??, you should thank me for not telling Ruv!!" you teased.

"Okay okay, fine, thanks, Roachie."
"Yknow, when you first called me that, I hated it, but now, I don't think it'd be the same if you'd stop." you wrapped your arms around him entirely.

"Expect me to call you Roachie forever, then." he kissed your forehead calmly as you both began to fall asleep on your bed.


🥀 | 𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 (revival)Where stories live. Discover now