🌻 | Softie

921 17 3

Ship : Innocent!Y/N × Selever
Theme : Fluff🌻
Before we start, I don't condone committing Crimes😇
Also theres a lot of cursing😔
also no spell check because it got late sorry🛐
Okay enjoy💕


“Gah, FUCK THIS GAME!” Selever threw the car figure acroos the room. “Selever, don't throw the car, it's the best peice in the game.” Rasazy told him. “Don't say that Selever!” You told him.

“What, can't handle a little profanity, Innocent little Softie?” he teased. You blushed. “I'm not soft, i'm- tough! I'm anything but innocent and soft! And i'm not little either!” you told him.

“Oh yeah?” he smirked. You nodded shakily. “y-yeah?”

“Prove it.”

“H-How do I do that?” you asked. “Come with me.” he stood up and reached for your hand. You hesitated, but took it.


Selever first lead you to an alleyway. Anxiously, you looked around. Cats climbed along fire exits. Selever handed you a can. “..What do I do with this?...” you asked. “Duh, you do graffiti with it, Softie.” he began spraypainting himself but blurred out his face.

“Why did you blur your face?” you asked, spraying it carefully. “This is destroying property so, yeah, i'd imagine it's a crime.” He finished sketching.

“THIS IS A CRIME??” You worried. Shock buried through your heart. “Obviously, softie. This isn't a prank, if we get caught then we go to-”

“I CAN'T BE ARRESTED!!” you told him. “Eassyy. I doubt the cops will come around.. Besides, i'll protect you!” he told you. You felt a sudden comfort with those last words. “You'll protect me?..” you smiled. He suddenly stopped and blushed. “Shut up, You never heard that!” he retorted. You laughed a little.

Suddenly sirens went off. “SHIT IT'S THE COPS CMON Y/N!” he told you. You froze up, unable to move. Luckily, Selever grabbed your arm and tugged you onto a fire escape. “What do we do??” you asked.

“Climb, we'll just run on the roof!” He yelled. You climbed after him. Suddenly, you made it on the roof. Lights seemed to blind your sight. “PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!” A cop called through a mega phone.

“Selever, maybe we should-”
“Officer,” Selever began.
“Um.. Y-Yeah?-”
“-SUCK MY DICK” he called down. He grabbed your hand and began running. And thats it. You and him were done for. The slammer for life.

He jumped off the building you were on from the back and holding you tight, you thought you were gonna die.

Suddenly, air.
He was flying.
And carrying you.
“Sh. Calm down, Softie. I said I was gonna protect you, right?..” he stated. You blushed and nodded. Quickly, he kissed you. “Good. Now don't tell mom, dad, or Ras about this.”

You covered your face, lovesick beyond one's belief. “You're kinda cute when you're flustered!” he told you. “Sh i'm not flustered!!” You retorted, causing him to chuckle.


Request by Tialuna

Mmaaaybe part 2 coming but Not sure

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