🌻 | It's a Date!

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Ship - Selever × [ Y / N ]
Theme - 🌻 | Fluff


You and Selever sat there, both chilling in his room. He was playing something on his game system, and you were playing on your phone.

The entire time, you were wondering about asking him out. It was the perfect setting. You and him were alone, you had.. Enough, of his attention directed on you, and nobody was there to say, “ Awww~! ” or “ Are you flirting? ”

You took a deep breath, gathering every ounce of confidence you have inside of your body. You opened your mouth.

“ Hey, [ Y / N ], wanna go out tomorrow? ”
Selever turned around.

You couldn't belive it.
Selever just asked you out.

“ I um- I- H
You could only stutter.

“ Wheezing isn't really an answer, but go off, sis. ”
Selever joked slightly.

Your stomach twisted.
“ I- You- Just- OKAy souNDS COOL ”
you blurted.

“ Alright, then, how aboutt.. How about we go to the candy store down the road, and then we watch the sunset on the hill across the street? ”
He asked.

All you could do was nod, considering that you didn't want to say anything stupid.


Selever had your hand intertwined with his and he was dragging you down the street.

Finally, you watched him open the door to the candy store.

“ Hi there, Can I help you two with anything? ”
The guy at the desk asked.

“ Nah, we're just looking around, we might get something, but we're not sure yet. ”
your date had explained.

But he said he was getting a lot of candy earlier... That's.. Odd...

You decided to look for your favorite candy, ignoring the odd statement by Selever.

Finding your candy, you quickly run up to Selever and look at him with puppy eyes.
“ Pleassee? ”

He shrugged and nodded.
“ Of course, why not. ”

As you sat at the counter with him, waiting for it to be paid, you kept thinking. Why didn't Selever get anything for himself?

You eventually left to go sit on the hill with him.

“ Hey, didn't you get anything for yourself?.. ”
you asked.
Selever nodded.

“ Well where is it..? ”

You watched as he took a smarteez out of his pocket and pop three into his mouth.

He litterally stole from the candy store.

“ Selever did you-?! ”

“ I did exactly what you think I did, Roachie.
He smirked.

“ How could you do that?? ”
you asked, questioning his morals.

“ Easy. I took the candy and put it in my pock- Oh wait, you meant in a moral sense.. Oh. ”

“ Yes, of course I meant morally! ”

“ Chill, if I didn't do it, that means I wouldn't have gotten this for you.. ”
he handed you another bag of your favorite candy.

Dammit, on one hand, thats the worst kind of wrong morally, on the other hand, CANDDYYY

you bit your lip and took the bag.
“ So you won't tell my mom and dad? ”
he asked.

You sighed and nodded.
“ Fine, I won't.. ”

Selever pat you on the head.
“ Good, Dad would beat my ass. ”

Admittedly, you tuned out what he said as you were pat on the head.

“ Hey, by the way, what time is it? ”
Selever asked.

You looked at your phone.
“ Almost.. EIGHT P.M. ”
you widened your eyes.

“ Shit we gotta get back to the church!- ”
The demon stood up and paused for a minute.
“ Wait, forgot something! ”
He pecked you on the cheek.

You gasped.
“ People do that on dates, but we don't have a lot of time to be all gushy about it, so come on. ”
He explained, grabbing your hand and walking in the way of the church.

You had no idea how you should've reacted, but, you knew your heart felt fuzzy.

You loved him.


Heeeeyyyy author here, I didn't get to spend as much time on this as I wanted to, so it's a little quick, sorry about that! Im working harder on the next ones, promise!

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