🌻 | Moodswing

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Ship - Selever × Fem![ Y / N ]
Theme - 🌻 | Fluff


" Hellllpp Seleverrrr.. Im dyyyiinnggg.. Im in paaaiiinnn... "
You pulled your hoodie over your head and faceplanted into your pillow, holding your stomach.

" Cramps can't be that bad, Roachie. "
Selever talked0 to you on the phone.

" Imagine if everything inside your body was fighting eachother. Now imagine that 5× worse. " you told him.

" ...Still sounds bearable. "
he answered, you heard the car turn off and the car door open.
" by the way is the door unlocked? "

" Hhhgh I don't knooww but I can't get upp.. " you mumbled.
" Well it better be unlocked, because I guess you aren't getting the candy I bought if it isn't.. Oh so sad, all this candy will go to me.. "

" Did you just say candy? "
You mumbled.

" Yep, now you gonna unlock the door? " Selever asked

You braced for when you stood up, and began heading to the door exhaustedly. You unlocked the door, and Selever came in, handing you a bag.
You looked inside, revealing all of your favorite candy.

" I know you didn't ask for it, buuuuut you needed it, "
He let you know, looking away from you and putting his hands in his pockets.

You smiled and hugged him.
Selever might have been an asshole sometimes, but he knew just when to cheer you up, and you loved that about him.

" No need to thank me, Roachie~ "
He told you, patting you on the head.


🥀 | 𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 (revival)Where stories live. Discover now