🌻🌷 | Snack Serpents

951 22 19

Ship - Y/N × Selever
Theme - Humorshot × Fluffshot

Y/N's gonna be refered to as female in this so sorry-😖


Selever leaned on your shoulder, trying to get you to mess up. “Hey, that's cheating!” You spouted quickly. “Nerp, it's called playing dirty!” He smirked, as he mashed the joystick. You and him were playing an odd racing game you had bought earlier that day. Some bargin bin nonsense you and him wanted to make fun of.

“Fuck, move outta the way!” you leaned against him, too, until you were both shoving shoulders.

You suddenly stopped, realising that Selever beat you. “No fair, you were cheatin-”

“No, I was playing dirty. And there are no rules, its a dumb game you got from dollar general.” He answered. “That is cheating, you mashed into my controller!” you quickly said back.

“Sounds like you're just pissed I won,” he smirked. You were a little pissed, but it was Selever. He was an asshole you somehow saw the best in.

“Hmph.. Whatever i'm over it.” you shrugged, letting it go. “That's my Gal, now are you gonna come with me on my kitchen heist or nah?”

“But.. Won't we get caught?” you asked nervously. He shrugged. “Not if we're quiet.” Selever opened the door of his bedroom and began walking down the hallway. You debated over following him for a moment.

Then you opened the door quietly, and quickly caught up with him.


Selever looked in the cabinets, carefully scanning the snacks that Sarv had bought. She only really bought him and Rasazy nutritional snacks, not things like Doritos or Cheetos.

Suddenly, he yanked out a bag as quietly as someone could be yanking a bag out from a cabinet.

He handed you a bag of Sour Patch Kids.

“I thought Sarv didn't buy sweets unless for fun or special occasions!” you whispered back, looking at the bag.

“I guess it must have been for a treat or something. But, we'll just treat ourselves right about now.” he smiled, starting to inch back to his room.

Suddenly, the lights flicked on.

“...Y/N I expected better, But you Selever, this is pretty normal..Why are you both awake?” Sarv asked, rubbing her eyes.

“...Um.. Bargain bin race game.” You blurted. “I'm gonna act like that made sense, and say, you're in trouble still..” she answered with a yawn.

“And You, Y/N, I don't think I have athority over you, but I will tell your mom and she can decide what to do.” Sarv looked at you. “Now put those back and head to bed.”

Selever made a snort, laid the bag of sour patch kids on the table and headed into the other room.

“I'll tell her tomorrow, but for now, just head to sleep,” Sarv ruffled your hair.

Sighing from some form of relief, you followed back to thr guest room Sarv let you have.


After a few moments of laying in bed, you stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep.

You sat up, rubbing your face, wondering if Sarv probably owned or had any melatonin.

Through your sleepless thoughts, you decided to ask Selever if you could sleep with him. Yknow, in the best friend kind of way!.. Probably.

Sitting up, you opened the guest door and walked down the hallway, opening Selever's door at the end of the corridor.

“Pst, Sele- wait why are you still awake?”
Selever, though sitting in his bed, was still awake and was on his phone.

“Because I wasn't ready to sleep yet, what does it look like?” he asked, raising his eyebrow. “But won't Sarv be angry?” you asked. He nodded. “Yep totally.”

“Whatever, I was wondering if I could maybe.. Um, sleep with you?” you asked. Selever looked like he shivered a little and blushed. He looked down and covered his face.

“I guess, why not?..” he shrugged.

You lit up and immidiately went to join him.


A few hours later, you had woken up from a bad dream. Shooting up from your spot in bed, you breathed calmly knowing it was just a nightmare.

“Somthin wrong?” Selever opened one eye. That was when you realised he was a lot closer to you than when you both went to sleep. I mean not that you hated i-

You laid back down with a large sigh. “Just a nightmare..” you shivered, trying and failing to get rid of the dream from your head.

He rested his arm around you. “It'll be okay, don't worry..” he told you. Suddenly, a feeling of security and safeness washed over you. Laying close to Selever, you closed your eyes and went to sleep, holding onto him.



🥀 | 𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 (revival)Where stories live. Discover now