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Yui's pov:
I woke up and felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I can't see the face as I'm not turned into the person's side who was holding me. I turned around in between the arms while struggling a lot and saw Ayato sleeping on my apartment's other room's bed soundly. I tried to get rid of his hold but it was impossible. 'What does this monster actually eats?' I thought. After getting failed on the attempt of waking him up, I started skaking his shoulders to wake him up. I said "Hey Ayato! Wake up! Its morning! I need to go to the hospital! " Ayato whined and said "Let's sleep a little more baby! I had such a beautiful sleep since after you left! I love you sooooo much!" While rubbing his eyes. I said "Not even a second Ayato. You seem quite well now so get your ass out of my house." He opened right eye and said "Your being rude babe. Anyway Goodmorning!" while renoving his hands from my waist. I sat up and said "Goodmorning! Now go get fresh, pack up your stuff and leave." He frowned a little and said "I see your very eager to kick me out from you luxurious appartment. But not so fast love. I will have my breakfast here and then I will take you to your hospital and then I will leave." I rolled my eyes and said "Whatever!" and got out of room and went to my bedroom to get changed for my work. Meanwhile Ayato was calling his personal assistant to bring his work outfit and within 10mins his personal assistant came and handovered his dress as I was brushing my teeth. 'Woooow so fast! Impressive!' I thought. I went inside my bedroom for a bath.

After 20mins I came out of the bathroom, feeling very fresh. I canged myself im my daily work clothes and put on white coat, watch and my black heels and put my hair in a ponytail will help of sky blue ribbon which have white stripes. I came out of my bedroom. I went towards the kitchen and saw Ayato already sitting on one of chair of the dinning table while doing something on his phone. He is properly dressed up in his black suit and I don't wanna admit but he is looking very handsome. I took my apron and started cooking some veg noodles.

After cooking the noodles, I served it in two plates and poured some pomegranate juice in two glasses. I put sll of it to the dinning table and sat on a chair just in front of Ayato and started to eat. He said "You should have cooked some takoyakis but this is also very delicious. You are a great chef you know." I just nodded and continued eat. When he took the name takoyakis, the incident which happen on that rainy day came up on my mind all of a sudden and I didn't want to talk or else something would've happened bad so I just noodded.

We finished our breakfast and I wash the plates, and then I locked my apartment's doow and went to the garage lot with Ayato.

We reached the parking lot and got inside Ayato's black shinning car as I know all the arguments will go in drain so better not waste my time.

All the ride we were silence, but then also he irritated me. He puts his filthy hands on my bare thighs and me pushing off his hands but as usual, Ayato being ridiculous he puts his hands on me again and that continues.

Finally the irritating setion came to an end as the car stopped at front of the large hospital entrance gate. I unbuckled me from the seat belt and got out of the car. But as I was about to close the car door Ayato came in front of it and said "Darling! Will you not give me good bye kiss?" I gritted my teeth in anger but I smiled sweetly towards him and smacked the door on his face and started to walk towards the hospital. I can hear Ayato laughing loudly but I just simply ignored it. 'Such an annoying man' I thought.

Subaru's pov:
I went to my work as usual and working on some files when my secretary entered with a cup of hot coffee.

I think my secretary is most slutiest person in world. Her name is Lexi. She always tries to do shameless things to attract me. And she wears also sluty dresses which I don't know from whare she gets because if I somehow get to know this I will surely banned that company with my powers. She thinks that she can get my heart by this riddiculous ways, but for her kind information she is very wrong. My heart is already taken away by Yui and it can't be replaced because I love her more than myself. She is my everything. But the problem is that even if I don't like this bitch I can't just fire anyone without any problem so I am just waiting for this bitch to make a wrong step and then I will fire her immediately.

She came in and disgustingly came to my table and bend down to keep the coffee trying to show her large breasts in front of me which are already spitting out of that red dress. But accidentally she poured the cup of hot coffee on my hands and as it was very hot it burned my right hand a little. I hold my hands and hissed in pain. She put the tray aside and came to me and asked "Ara you okay Sir? I really didn't it. Let me see your hand!!" I gritted my teeth in anger and shouted "GET OUT FROM MY OFFICE YOU SLUT! NOW! YOU ARE FIRED! AND NEVER SHOW ME YOUR FILTHY FACE IN FRONT OF ME. I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN. YOU BITCH!" She cried and pleaded but I just called the securities and kicked her out. Finally this bitch's chapter is over.

I put off my suit and rolled my shirt to see the burn and it is burned badly and should be treated. So I came out of my office and went to the 'Medical Care' hospital where my love works.

I reached the hospital and went inside. I assigned my name to the manager and said "I have a request. Um can you please call Dr. Yui Komori to take care of my burn." The manager nodded and called someone with a telephone said to me to go to the third floor chech-up room. I went to the third floor with the help of a elavator and went to the check-up room and waited for Yui to come.

After few minutes Yui came inside the room looking gorgeous as always with stethoscope hanging on her neck. She looked worried and I felt happy to see her worry for me. She asked "Oh it's you Subaru. What happened to you?" I said "Nothing but I just burnt my right hand. Can you please take care of it." while showing the burn on my hand. She smiled softly and said "Of coarse! But how did it first tell me how did it happen?" while taking a box which I guess has many curing things. Afterwards she was taking care of my burn and I was telling the story of how my sluty ex-secretary burned my hands. Even I was talking, I was only concentrating on her. How she's taking care of my burn? How she's applying ointment? How her eyes shows her worry for me? In anyway she is just too perfect. She is an awesome, beautiful, gorgeous, intelligent, smart, brave, pretty, kindhearted and many more. There is no words that can explain her. And I truly believe that one day I will make her my lovely wife.

She tied my hand with a bandage where the burn was and told me to buy some medicines which was written on a paper from the medicine store that was outside hospital.

She was about to go out to help other patients but I stopped her by holding her wrist. She turned around and asked "Do you need anything else Subaru?" with a confused look which is actually very cute. I scratched the back of my head with my other hand and said.m "Yeah! There is something I need to tell you. Can you have time or I can wait?." She smiled and said "Sure! You know today is not really a busy day and I'm quiet free now. So I can talk with you." while sitting on a chair opposite to where I was sitting. I took a deep breadth and took both of her little hand in my big hands. I said "Yui years ago when you came to our mansion to live with us from then only I had a really great feeling. Whenever I saw you my heart starts to thump really fast. I had the urge to hold you tight to me and never let you go. That's why I started to ignore you then. And when you started to date Ayato I was really angry but whenever I saw your happy face my anger cools down because your happiness is my happiness. But now you are single so I think I have the full right to persude you. So Yui from the deep down of my heart I am telling the truth. I have loved you, I love you and I always will love. So will you be my life partner for the rest of your life? I guarantee you that I will not break you heart like dog did. Yui please give me the chance to be with you forever!" I finished my speeck with placing kisses on both of her hands. Yui looked shocked and blushed hard just like a tomato and said "I ne-need time Subaru. Please give me so-some time." I smiled and said "Of coarse! I will wait for you forever. So anyway are you free this Christmas? I wanna take you on a date? Please don't say no. I've planned a lot." She chuckled and said "No I don't have any work that day and I can go with you." I winked and said "Thank you sooo much sweetheart!"

After that I said bye to her as I have to leave to work more to take a day off on Christmas. I just really can't wait for the Christmas only I and and my love will have their first date together. I'm so happy today!

That's it for today guys!! See you in the next chapter!!Don't forget to comment!! And MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!🎄🎄⛄⛄❄❄ I HOPE EVERYONE HAVE GOT GIFTS FROM SANTA!!🎁🎁🎂🎂

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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