•CG!Quackity, Tubbo Little!Karl, Tommy• (Stargazing)

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Tommy and Tubbo are waiting for both Quackity and Karl to arrive, they have been sitting patiently at Tubbo's house. They all decided to do some stargazing with the littles, since both of them have been begging to do it with their caregivers if ever they visit. Now that they can, they'll stargaze near a mountain cliff and rented a camper van for all of them to occupy in

"When are they coming?"

"In a while, haven't recieved a text yet. Why? Are you getting excited hm?"

"No! Not yet"

Tommy said trying to stay big till they arrive but all this excitement is not helping. Ever since he knew Karl was a little, he felt happy. Knowing that he found someone like him and do sorts of things with his little friend

An hour has passed, and there was a knock on the door. Tubbo stood up and slowly walked while Tommy bolted straight for it

"Tubbyyy who iss itt?"

"Slow down it's probably them, and i thought you said you'll stay big when they arrive?"

Tubbo said with a chuckle

"I knowss, buh I wan to see dem and weallyy excitedd"

"Okay okay!"

He opened the door and was met by a regressed little too and Quackity carrying a suitcase

"Hey big man!"

"Aye! How was the trip?"

"It was fine, not until he threw a small tantrum in the plane"

Quackity said looking down at Karl

"It was your fault hmph"

"Anyways, who's this little cutie all excited for later?"

"Hewo Quackityy!! Am happy you and Kawl are hewee"

"Yes bud were glad too"

"So shall we go inside?"

"Sure, sitting on something right now would be so good"

Tubbo laughed at comment and led them to the couch

Both elders talk for a bit and what plans are they gonna do for later, while the littles are playing and babbling at eachother on the side. Tommy shows his toys and shared them to Karl

"So how was youws twip?"

"Ish was goods, I wike it hewe"

"Weally? Yayy!"

"Hehe of couwse!"

Afternoon has passed and it started getting dark outside, which means stars are starting to appear too. Everyone has packed the things needed and their little gears just incase. Both littles have also brought their stuffy with them for company. Tubbo went outside to check the camper van if it was ready. Indeed it was and they all excitedly hopped in

Quackity went in the drivers side and the three went at the back. He pulled out his GPS to make sure he knows where he is going and they're off. It was a two hour drive going to the cliff and the littles couldn't contain their squeals

"Calm down guys"

"Eekk sowwy tubby, we just excited. Dats all"

"I know kawl, we can see da stars and da moon too"


Tubbo chuckled at the both being silly, he decided to take a small nap on the seat while listening to some tunes. Tommy and Karl decided to go to Quackity and disturb him

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