•Little!Tommy CG!Wilbur• (Babysitting)

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Tommy was really excited because he was going to spend a whole day with Wilbur. Since his parents were going somewhere, it would be nice that someone will be looking out for him while their gone because they don't trust him being alone at their house

Wilbur knew about Tommy's regression but he also knew the boy would always hide it since he was embarrassed about it. But the truth was, Tommy doesn't want to slip all the time, because he thought Wilbur would be annoyed with him since they were spending the day together

But in reality, Wilbur didn't care if Tommy regressed since he knows the things he has to deal, like fame and streaming

There was a knock in the door and Tommy came rushing down, he opened the door and saw Wilbur

"Hello! Wilby- um Wilbur!"

Tommy didn't want to slip during their time together, he was hoping he didn't notice him slurring

Did he call me wilby? Or am I just hearing things?

Wilbur thought, but he just shrugged it off plus Tommy had been streaming and talking a lot, maybe that was the reason

"Bye mom bye dad! See you later"

Tommy waved and hopped in Wilbur's car

He was really excited and bouncing everywhere. The result is him being hyper which Wilbur was confused about it

"So are we going to your house?" Tommy asked Wilbur with sparkling eyes

"Yeah we are, and you gotta relax a little bud. You have a lot of energy"

When Wilbur said that Tommy started slipping even more

No I shouldn't this is our day, I don't want him to take care of me

Tommy thought while looking out thr window trying to calm down but still very excited

Wilbur was confused but happy at the same time, he thought about it for a while and realized

Oh yeah that is why he is acting that way, he probably feels regressing

He didn't asked the boy because he was probably embarrassed by it by Wilbur has plans for the boy to have fun and not feel ashamed of regressing

He remembered he bought a few little gear for Tommy back at home and he'll give it to him in hopes that Tommy will have fun with it and slip into littlespace

He can't deny, Tommy is really adorable when he is littlespace. Plus he won't hear as much screaming and swearing than big Tommy

The whole car ride he was biting his fingernails and almost slip his thumb on his mouth but quickly pulled away

They arrived and Tommy immediately went out the car and running to his apartment

"Hey no need to run toms, we can walk you know"

Tommy realized it and stopped, he walked trying to act big and calm

They went in and Tommy went on rambling

"So what are we gonna do big man? Stream? Call with the others?"

He asked hoping it was believable, but he wanted to relax, be babied and play with Wilbur. Ever since Wilbur knew he wanted him to be his cg

He felt safe and always had fun with him

"I actually have a little gift for you, and since I noticed earlier that you felt like slipping"

Tommy blushed in embarrassment, he didn't think Wilbur knew. But Wilbur pays attention to details and the moment they were in the car thats when he knew

Wilbur grabbed the bad behind the closet and handed it to Tommy

Tommy opened it and to his surprise it was all the little gear he wanted and loved

He couldn't help but shed a few tears and started feeling small

"Now listen to me, don't be afraid to tell me you feel small or want to slip. I understand you just approach me and I am here to take care of you little one"

Wilbur said in a stern but calm tone whole holding his shoulders to assure Tommy he is safe with him

Tommy perked up and smiled at him

"Fank you Wilby, you is the bwest"

That made Wilbur's heart melt, how can the world be this cruel to the precious boy

"Now do you want to change clothes so you'll feel comfy?"

"Yesh pease wilby"

Wilbur chuckled and pick up the boy who was suprisingly light

~short time skip~

"Wow! Look at you, you look so adorable toms!"

Tommy giggled and made grabby hands wanted to be picked up

"Aw come on, let's make some grilled cheese to fill your little tummy"


"Yes sweet pea?"

"I ish not annoying fwor you?"

Tommy askes with innocent looking eyes

"Of course not little guy, why would I be annoyed with this cutie"

Wilbur said while booping his nose

Tommy instantly felt safe and clinged tighter, Wilbur felt satisfied and knowing Tommy feels safe with him

A/N: So i ran out of time, but i felt like this chapter is also not complete. Might make a part 2 though. Bye lovelies!

Word Count: 833

~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]•~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora