•CG!Wilbur, Niki Little!Tommy (Helping Hand)

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Wilbur noticed Tommy being gloomy and hasn't regressed in a while now. He grew worried that the boy wasn't his usual self, so he approached him who was sitting on a chair using his phone

"Hey Tommy, I noticed you have been... well I don't know, quiet?"

"Oh, nahh i'm good. I just feel blue I guess"

"Don't you wanna at least regress a bit? To make you feel better?"

"Um no it's fine"

Tommy said with a smiled before the room went silent again. Wilbur didn't know what to do so he stayed silent too. Suddenly, he got a notification from someone at his phone. It was Niki, he opened it and read the message

Niki: Hey i know you're probably taking care of Tommy, but i really need help in the bakery. I hope you can come asap :)

Then an idea popped in his head, Wil broke the silence and told the boy if he wanted to come to the bakery to bake with Niki

"You know what, I have an idea!"

"Yeah what's up?"

"Do you wanna come with me to bake with Niki? She needs help"

Tommy's eyes lit up hearing the word 'bake' and perked up a bit


"For sure! I'm going right now, wanna come?"


They went outside and locked the doors

"Hold my hand toms, I don't want you running off like last time"

Tommy didn't hesistate and held the elder's hand. Instantly he felt little and felt giddy in the insides. The boy felt safe knowing he is loved and protected by his caregiver. They walked a few blocks and reached their destination. Wilbur knocked at the door and Niki opened it

"Oh my god Wilbur! Thank god!"

"Hey Niki and I brought some company"

"Aww hello little one, how have you been?~"

"I'm good 'ama"

"That's good to hear sweetie, do you wanna help Mama Niki in baking? And with Wil too?"

Niki said while playfully tickling his sides, Tommy giggled trying to avoid her tickles. Wilbur chuckled at the boy and happy the boy regressed, then he led him inside the bakery

After a while of talking, they started making the cake order she had for tomorrow. Niki grabbed the ingredients from the cabinets and plopped them in the table

"Here you go sweet pea, you can me make the dough. Wil can you pre heat the oven for me?"

"Sure thing"

"Otay mama"

Niki worked on the dough with Tommy mixing and making a mess on her counter, but finishing the process. Wilbur grabbed the utensil and pre heated the oven

"Sweetie, can you grab the eggs for me? Be careful!"


He toddled over and slowly took the eggs, Wilbur lend a hand seeing the eggs he was holding almost toppled over

"Oh let me help you there cupcake"

"Tankchu Wilby"

After a while the mixture was ready to be baked

"Do you wanna do the honors to put it in the oven?"

Said Niki while holding it up to him

"Yeshh can I do it pwease?"

"Of course! Here, be careful"

Tommy nodded and slowly set it inside the oven. Niki and Wilbur watched as the boy did it. They clapped and cheered on hin after which made him feel even fussier and giggling at the praise


Niki finished with cake and wrapped it in a little bow. She was proud how amazing the boy did with the frosting in the cake. She rewarded him by giving him an extra small cake she baked and he got all giddy and excited

"But don't expect me to make you eat that all in one sitting bud"

"Awwwww wilbyyy buh I wan to eat cakee"

"You can eat a little bit and save some for tomorrow"

"Otayy fwine"

Wilbur chuckled and turned to Niki

"Thank you so much, you brought him to life"

"No thank you! For helping in the bakery, I was too busy that I forgot I had an order. It's the least I can do"

Wilbur smiled and started heading out

"So were off, I need to take this rascal home. What are you gonna say to Mama Niki?"

"Tankchu 'ama Niki, I hads lots of fun!

"Aww you're welcome cutie"

She said while booping his nose. The boy let out a small giggle. It was a really great afternoon for the boy and he finally regressed and felt joy in a long time. Both bid goodbye and went on their way

A/N: This chapter- AHH cannot explain but anyways new story out btw! Also some story plots and parts can be found in the book too! So if you came from this book then you'll find familiar parts or chapters :) And i might not update this book for a few days since i'll update the other book more for a few days, so updates are slow. Anyways that's all, bye lovelies!

Word Count: 749

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