•CG!Tubbo, Ranboo, New Character Little!Tommy, New Character• (Hide and Seek!)

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Tommy was out playing in the park with Tubbo and Ranboo. He has been begging them for days to take him there. Since they were so busy with the editing and streaming, they didn't have enough time

When they arrived at the park, Ranboo found a nearby bench under a tree to relax for a bit while watching Tubbo being pulled by Tommy to the slide

"Tubby wan go to slidee!"

"Ok ok! Wait up bubs"

The boy ran up to the slide while Tubbo was waiting at the bottom

"Go on Tommy! I'll catch you!"

Tommy slid down throwing his hands in the air and saying 'weee' all the way down. He hit Tubbo and they crashed in the ground laughing aloud

Then the boy quickly got up and ran to the nearest swing and sat there. He looked at Tubbo for a bit and gave him the puppy eyes. Of course, Tubbo couldn't stand the boy so he gave in and started pushing him back and forth in the swing

They both laughed again and when they got off the swing, they chased eachother for a bit until they ran out of breath. Meanwhile, Ranboo was just snoozing under the tree on a bench and was suddenly woken up by a little boy beside him

"Uh hey dude?"

"Hewo! Ish you sleeping?"

Ranboo suddenly changed his tone realizing the boy was a little

"Oh well yeah I am, what brings you here little guy?"

"Well my mommy told me I can make new fwends, so I went running awound in the park"

"Does your mommy know where you are?"

"Mhm she there dwinking her coffwe"

Ranboo looked where the boy pointed and saw a lady in a pretty dress with long braided hair sitting on the corner looling back at them. He waved to the woman assuring the boy is fine, and she gave a thumbs up

"So what's your name young man?"

"My name is Thiwdy!"

"Mm well nice to meet you Thirdy!"

"Nwice to meet you too kind sir. Sir?"


"Can I take yous to meet my mommy?"

"Uh what? Why?"

"Cause mommy awso need new fwends like me!"

Ranboo chuckled and agreed to his idea. He followed Thirdy going to his mommy and jumped at her

"Mommy! Wook I bought you a new fwend?"

"What? Thirdy was that the guy fro-"


Said Ranboo while waving to her and her eyes widened

"O-oh oh my gosh I am so sorry my baby brought you over, sometimes he cares too much about me. You can go bac-"

"No, it's fine. I guess I can meet new friends"

He said with a laughter

"You know what, sure you seem like a nice gentleman"

"Why thanks"

He said while sitting beside her

"So do you wanna introduce ourselves?"

"Sure! Why not. My name is Reah, and I'm 25 years old"

"Wow you're old, in a good way don't worry"

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