•CG!Tubbo and Ranboo Little!Tommy• (Troublemaker Part 1)

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TW: There is one part where Ranboo sweared once, recommend to skip that part if you're reading this little

Tubbo and Ranboo always knew Tommy to be misbehaving and a troublemake when he is in headspace

But nevertheless, they loved him for being who he is and doing the things he likes and comfortable with

Since Ranboo is visiting Tubbo in UK, they all decided to sleep at Tubbo's house to have fun and spend time together

Tubbo decided to text their groupchat to ask about what's gonna happen

Tubbo: So do you guys wanna get in a call?

Ranboo: Why?

Tubbo: Let's talk about the plan, you know if you visit here

Tommy: Yeah! We totally should

Ranboo: Sure


Tommy was excited Ranboo coming and they have been planning for a few months now, he picked up the phone and started chatting with them

"Hey guys! So were gonna sleep at my house right?"

"Yeah for sure, yall wanna try streaming together when I arrive there?"

"Sure man! It would be so fun!"

Responded Tommy trying to engage with them too

"So.. I heard we have a little one coming with us?"

"Aww yeah, Tommy this is the first time Ranboo meeting your little self in real life!"

Tommy turned red from embarrasment, he liked to be praised and be recognized. But he also knew how a little rascal he can be. Well base on Tubbo's stories when he comes to visit to him

"Oh yeah! It's ok Tubbo, at least I get to meet this little cutie"

"Guys stawp it, you embawass me"

Tommy said while pouting behind the camera

They both laughed and continue talking about the trip with Tommy

A few days passed and Ranboo arrived, he rode a taxi and gave Tubbo's address

Tommy and Tubbo P.O.V.

"When is he coming Tubbo?"

"Soon Toms, just be patient ok?"

Tubbo tried calming down Tommy, but he was too excited in seeing Ranboo. He also noticed Tommy slipping into littlespace slowly

Oh boy this is gonna be a handful if he does

Tubbo thought and smiled after

"Why don't you try doing something fun while waiting"

"Buut Ranboo ish not hear yett"

Tommy whined and starting moving around

"I promise he is coming soon bud, just give him a few more minutes"

Tommy calmed down and went to get his phone to scroll in reddit

No ones P.O.V.

Thirty minutes later, they heard a knock. Tommy perked up and started running to the door which woke Tubbo from his nap

"Who is it toms?"

Tubbo said while rubbing his eyes

"Boo! You're hwere!!"

Tommy said while wrapping his hands around Ranboo

"Oh man, hello there tom. Hello too Tubbo!"

Said Ranboo while Tommy still clinging to him

"Well he sorta slipped into headspace, he was getting excited to meet you every minute"

"Aw someone is excited to see me?"

Ranboo cooed at Tommy, making the boy bury his head on his chest even more

"That's adorable, and thank you for waiting patiently pumpkin"

"Oh he did!"

Tubbo said while chuckling

"So what are we gonna do since Tommy is in his headspace"

"Well since we just arrived, it's not bad if we take care of him. Right little one?"

Ranboo said while cooing again and booping his nose, which gained a giggle from the boy

Tubbo looked in awe how Ranboo grew fond of little Tommy, since he always liked kids but would never admit it.

"Oh and by the way, he might look like an angel right now. But in a while he'll be hyper and stuff and also cause trouble"

Tubbo said while laughing, he remembered when Tommy slipped into headspace and was visiting him. He drew a mustache in his face while Tubbo was asleep. He giggled the whole time which woke Tubbo up and realized what he was doing

Ranboo chuckled and responded

"Don't worry, i think I can handle this"

He looked into his arms and saw a sleeping boy

"Oh my, he fell asleep. I guess he look tuckered out waiting for me"

They both laughed and took Tommy to Tubbo's room and put him into bed


Tommy woke up first, he was still in headspace. He look around and saw Ranboo taking a nap and Tubbo was outside. He sat back down waiting for Ranboo to wake up

Mmm he taking lwong to wake up, am hungry

Tommy thought and he came up with a great idea, he started opening the door slowly and crawled away

No one noticed until Ranboo woke up and saw Tommy gone, he went outside to ask Tubbo

"Hey Tubbo, is Tommy here?"

"Uh no, I was editing. I thought he was with you?"

"No I woke up and he isn't in your bed anymore. He must have went home?"

"No he won't his parents are away"

"Oh shit, where did that boy go?"

As if on que, they heard a laughing and giggling in the kitchen

"That must be Tommy! Oh don't tell me..."

They entered the kitchen and saw a mess he made on the floor

"Tommy! What do you think you're doing young man?"

Tubbo scolded while his arms crossed. Tommy looked over and saw how angry he was and he immediately stopped. He realized he made a mess and Tubbo is gonna be mad. He didn't want to lose his bestfriend. He then started sobbing and full on crying

"No no Tommy, I didn't mean that. It's just that you made a mess! You didnt even ask us if you want to eat!"

Tommy looked down on the floor and realizing that he was wrong

"T-tubby, am sowwy I made mess in ywour kitwchen. Tommy ish weally sowwy"

Tubbo couldn't help but let out and audible 'aww' on how understanding the boy was

"Come on Tubbo its ok, I'll help you clean it"

A/N: Soo I sorta ran out of ideas, but I have plans. I'll update the part 2 as soon as I can. Bye lovelies!

Word Count: 995

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