•Little!Tommy and George CG!Sapnap and Wilbur• (You're a little too? Part 3)

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They all arrived at home and both littles started running to the front door

"Me fiwst!"

"Nuu I was fiwst!"

They both argued

"Not even fifteen minutes into arriving, their arguing again"

Said Sapnap while laughing

"Yeah, it's so cute and funny at the same time"

Wilbur said chuckling

"I know, so are we taking these little rascals to the movies?"

"Yeah we can put all your things and George's in the house"


Sapnap said with a smile. They arrived at the front door and Wilbur opened it using his keys. Both littles immediately rushed inside and Tommy showed Gogy what Wilbur's house looks like. While the two of them are distracted, Sapnap and Wil started putting the bags away and preparing to go to the mall to watch a movie

After a settling both littles and resting for a bit, they decided to help their littles change and bring what they need for the movies

Wilbur and Tommy's POV

Wilbur was picking out an outfit while the young one is sitting down playing with his fingers waiting for his caregiver

"Ooh you would look so cute on this one toms"

Wil then pulled out a white shirt with a little bee on the chest, the one that Tubbo gave him on his birthday and a pair of overalls

"Dats so pwetty Wilby"

The boy said with a smile, excited to wear his outfit. Wilbur gave it to him and asked if he wanted to help him

"Nuh uh, I can do its! I ish big boy"

He chuckled at what Tommy said and got out of the room to give the boy some time and privacy to change

Sapnap and George's POV

Sapnap opened their bags and started looking an outfit for the little. Since George is more of an decisive little rather than Tommy. Sapnap allows Gogy to criticize what he wants to wear

"Do you want this pretty striped shirt?"

"Hmm nuu"

"What about these comfy sweatpants you bought"

"Nuuu an' other wan pease"

Sapnap sighed and chuckled, knowing this is gonna take them longer than usual again. After sometime picking and convincing, George settled with a pastel green sweat with denim shorts up to his knees

"Do you want me to help you wear that sweetie?"

"Uhm yes pwease"

George said while turning red, he also put on some small flower clips on his hair

Sapnap cooed and squished the boy's cheeks on how adorable the clips looked on him. Gogy gave out a hmph and pouted

After they finished changing, he went off to meet Tommy

No ones POV

George went to Tommy and surprised him

"Boo! Hehe"

"Gogyy! Stwopp!"


Then Tommy couldn't help but notice the pretty clips on Gogy's hair

"Wowie! Those cwips look pwetty on yous"

"Fank youu"

The two littles giggled at eachother and started babbling again. Wil and Sapnap got their stuff and headed to the door too

"Hey come on you two, you don't wanna watch the movie?"

When they both heard it they came rushing to the door and headed to the car where Wilbur was waiting. Sapnap finally closed and locked the door, and they all went to the mall


They all arrived in the mall and headed to the cinemas

"Wilbyy can we pweasee watch frozen twoo"

"Yess wilbyyy pweasee"

Both littles said together while tugging the elder's shirt and making puppy eyes at him. Sapnap laughed at the sight of them begging Wil, it was too adorable for him

Wilbur sighed and shushed them, agreeing to take them to watch Frozen 2. The two littles let out a squeal and waited patiently with the other elder. Sapnap saw that the line was long, so it's gonna take while till Wil buys the tickets. He decided to take the boys to buy some popcorn and some food for the movies

"Do you little boys wanna buy some snacks while waiting for Wilby?"


So they were off buying popcorns, drinks and some sweet treats for the young ones, and sat on the nearest bench. After Wilbur bought them, he signaled them to go in. Tommy and George toddled over and went past security and Sapnap following them from behind

They took a seat and squirming around getting hyper. When the movie started, both littles watched it in awe and amazed how cool it was

"I'm afraid of what i'm risking if I followw youus, into the unknowwnnn"

"Intoo the unknowwnn"

George and Tommy sang and the caregivers are just laughing and looking at them the whole time. They had fun and enjoyed every bit of it, they even cried at the sad parts. When it ended they walked back to the car while carrying some candies they bought after the movie

"So how was it?"

"It was gud!"

Tommy said with candy in the side of his cheeks

"It was amazingg!"

Replied the other little holding his little candy bag

"So what are you boys going to say to Wilbur?"

"Tankchuu Wilby"

"Fank yous uncle Wil"

Said both of them which earned a smile from him

"You're welcome boys, now let's go back home. I know both of you are exhausted"

"No were nwot! We still have lots and lots on energy!"

The elders laughed at the young one knowing they won't last an hour before falling asleep in the back seat. Twenty minutes later, Sapnap decided to take a little sneak peak at the boys. He saw them passed out with drool coming out from eating a lot of candies.

He sneakingly took pictures and holding back the urge to pinch their cheeks. When they arrived at home, the caregivers decided to carry them to the bedroom and change them to a much more comfortable clothes. Wilbur and Sapnap sighed and went in the living room to relax for a bit

"Wow that was exhausting"

"I know but at least those rascals are happy and had fun"

"Yeah and thank you for welcoming us here, I didn't expect Tommy to be a little"

"Same with you, and you're welcome. He was scared to tell the truth at first"

"Same with mine but at least they can have playdates and enjoy eachothers company"

"True to that"

A/N: So its finally done! I made a three parts cause i feel like it wasnt finished and it would be cool to make a mini series in this book. Anyways, bye lovelies!

Word Count: 1043

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