•CG!Quackity Little!Tommy• (Sing me a song pwease)

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Tommy is sitting down on his room coloring and playing with his stuffy. He has been studying and editing all day, so he decided to regress so he can escape even just for a bit. Since his parents weren't home and he was all alone, so he was free to do whatever he wanted

"Henwy wook ish a pink elephant!"

He said talking to his stuffy and giggling pretending that it liked his little drawing. Tommy was just humming and minding his business when suddenly someone was calling him from discord

He toddled to his chair and sat down still hugging Henry and saw it was Quackity. He squealed a bit and answered the call

"Tommy where the fuck are you?"

Quackity didn't hear an answer and decided to look over the screen and saw the boy with a shocked face and eyes starting to tear up. He didn't know the young one regressed

"Oh no, no no sorry pumpkin I didn't mean to say that"

"It otay! Buh dats a no no word Quackityy, you should nots say dat"

Tommy said warning him not to say bad words. Quackity laughed at how adorable he sounded

"I know little guy, i'm sorry about that.What have you been doing hm?"

"Well I has been colowing and awso pwaying with mah stuffy an' an' talking to yous!"

Tommy said babbling and excitedly telling Quackity the fun things he did by himself

"Aww that's really nice! You must have a lot of fun huh?"

"Mhm! Buh buh am alone so ish kinda lonely dats all"

"Well i'm here! We could lots of fun things too"

"Wike what?"

"Here i'm gonna share my screen, can you click it for me? So you can see?"


The boy listened obediently and clicked his stream. They both watched some cartoons, played kid-friendly games and some puzzles too. Tommy was entertained the whole time and loved spending time with Quackity. Quackity also made sure to make the little boy happy and safe when he is regressed. After a while, the boy started getting sleepy and he noticed him yawning frequently

"I think you should take a nap for a while toms"

"Nuu I wan to talk to yous still"

"Well little boys like you are suppose to take a nap, and your eyelids looks like their gonna shut"

Quackity said while chuckling. Tommy can't even lie it was obvious he was sleepy and getting fussier

"Can I ask favor fiwst?"

"Sure ask away bud"

"Can yous sing me a song pweasee?"

Then he proceeded to make puppy eyes in call to convince the elder. Quackity couldn't say no to those adorable eyes so he agreed

"Ok fine I will, but you have to promise to go to sleep, just stay in call so i'd know you took a nap"

"Hmmm otay! Buh can you sing you awe my sunshinee? I wove how you sang da song an' an' its a weally good song"

"Yes yes, now go grab the things you need and come back"


Then he rushed to get his blanky since he already have his cow stuffy and white paci. He was all settled and went back to his chair. While the boy was away, Quackity already grabbed his guitar and adjusted his mic to he can hear the sound well

"Are you ready toms?"


The boy wrapped his blanky around him and closed his eyes listening to him singing

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine

You make me happy
When skies are gray

At this point, Tommy was slowly falling asleep to the tune

You'll never know dear
How much I love you

Please don't take
My sunshine.. Away..

After he finished the song, he looked over and saw a boy sleeping peacefully sucking on his paci and cuddling his stuffy too. Quackity smiled and muted so he wouldn't disrupt him. He continued on the things he is doing and waiting for Tommy to wake up

A/N: So I made a wholesome one, it is a bit similar in the last chapter. But i personally think this is adorable af. But anyways thank you, bye lovelies!

Word Count: 671

~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]•~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora