•Little!Tommy CG!Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, New Characters• (New Friends Part 1)

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A/N:Before the story starts, yes you read the title. So I want to make this book a bit interesting that I'll add some characters. But most of the characters are from the smp. So I can also some spice and lore. Plus it might make the stories here interesting so yeah! Thats all now back to the story!

"Tommy, be careful bud"

Phil said to the boy while Tommy was running around in the park

Ranboo, Phil, Tommy and Tubbo are out in the park again just to stroll around, but since Tubbo isn't feeling little he just wanted to help them watch Tommy in the park

The boy has just been exploring and they both saw the worm they named Barry. Tubbo laughed while Tommy giggled and pointed at the worm wiggling back at him

Tommy was looking around while Tubbo was following him. He suddenly spotted an ice cream truck

"Tubbyyy, can we pease get ice cweamm?"

Tommy said while tugging Tubbo's shirt to buy some ice cream

"Of course little guy, now hold my hand so you won't get lost or else Ranboo and Phil are gonna kill me"

Tubbo said while chuckling at the young boy, he held Tommy's hand and started walking to the ice cream truck

"Hello gentlemen, what flavor?"

Asked the kind man

"Stwabewwy pease!"

Tommy said enthusiatically and earned a chuckle from the man

"I'll just get a vanilla"

"Vanilla and Strawberry coming right up!"

Tommy giggle again on how silly the man was. Tubbo decided to wait on the side and scrolled online on his phone

The boy started getting bored and saw Tubbo on his phone, he wanted to explore and go somewhere

He carefully and slowly walked away without Tubbo noticing and giggled again because he felt like a ninja

Little did he know, he got lost and couldn't find Tubbo and the ice cream truck anymore. He started to regret what he did and started sobbing

"T-tubby where ish yous? Me wan tubby now"

He said to himself while sitting the sidewalk crying and clutching his hands together

Tubbo's POV

The ice cream man called out out names and I went to get our ice cream on little cups, I know Tommy's like these types of ice cream and since he can't eat ice cream that fast the whole cone is just gonna melt off

"Thank you kind sir, my friend gonna love this"

The man nodded back and smiled and Tubbo went off to give Tommy his ice cream

"Toms here's your-"

He looked at the spot where Tommy was and didn't see the boy

"What the- Tommy! Toms! Tommy! This is not funny buddy stop hiding we have to go back to Ranboo and Phil"

He then realized Tommy is really lost

Oh god, I fucked up.. Tommy..

Tubbo ran back as fast as he can to Ranboo and Phil. They both saw him running towards them having tears in his eyes

No ones POV

"I lost twommy, wanboo am so sowwy"

And proceeded to cry in Ranboo's arms. He clearly slipped into littlespace and feeling guilty he lost his bestfriend

"Oh my god, Phil. Tommy's lost and Tubbo slipped. What are we going to do?"

"Hey shh, it's ok little guy were gonna find him. It wasn't your fault, I promise. And don't worry Ranboo let's go find the boy first. Maybe he's not that far"

"Yeah you're right, come on sweetie pie. We'll find Tommy"

Tubbo nodded and nuzzled in Ranboo's arms for comfort. Ranboo grabbed his paci on from his backpack and gave it to Tubbo. It was a white paci with a bee in the center

They picked up their bags and started to search for Tommy

~fast forward~

(TW: Some swearing, skip if you want)

"Hey Kev, what's that kid doing there?"

"Nah he seems too big for a kid"

"No what I mean he is crying. Maybe he is lost?"

"What?? No he can't be, I mean if life hits me too damn hard I just sit on the sidewalk crying"

"Kevin! Thats not what I meant! Maybe he is a little, I mean look at his outfit and his body language. He is clearly scared and lost his friends"

"Oh, what the heck Tina. You didn't specify. But sure, I mean i'm cruel and all but not that cruel"

(End of TW)

Tina laughed and Kevin chuckled after. They slowly approached the boy and Tommy noticed him and looked back up to them

"U- uh who awe you guys? Pease don't kidnap me.."

The little boy said while holding his hands to his eyes. Tina and Kevin stared in awe and look at eachothers eyes

"Aw this guy definetely sounds like Nathan when he showed his little side"

"Yeah! Hey bud, are you ok? Are you lost?"

Said Kevin while shuffling his hair and smiling at the boy

"Y-yeah yous not gon huwt me?"

Tommy asked while looking at them in puppy eyes

"Of course not big guy! Well my name is Kevin and this is my friend Tina. She used to have a little before"

"Das gweat! Bu buh I lost my fwends on the park 'an I dunno where they awe"

"Um did I hear that right? The park?"

"Yesh buh now I dunno where dey awe"

"Oh gosh sweetie, that is like 15 blocks away from here"

"Am lwost am I?"

Tommy said while tears started forming again. Tina and Kevin started freaking out. They didn't mean to make him cry like that

"No no sunflower, of course not! I'll help you find them"

Tina said with a warm smile which made Tommy calm a bit. Suddenly the boy made grabby hands to Kevin

"Uhh what is he doing?"

"Oh I think he wants you to carry him"

"No I can't do that! I barely know him!"

"Dude at least it's not me, I don't have the muscle power for it"

Kevin grumbled and looked at the boy still making grabby hands and started making whiney noises

"Ok fine! But once we find this kid's friends you owe me"

"Yes yes I do, now come on it's getting tired they are probably looking for him"

Tina chuckled while watching him carry the young boy in his arms. They started walking back to the park looking Tommy's friends

A/N: So I added some new people in this book and I hope yall liked it. And again this is platonic and the people he met are his friends. Please dont be weird. Thank you! Bye lovelies!

Word Count: 1066

~•[Tommyinnit Agere Oneshots]•~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin