•Little!Tommy CG!Techno, Phil, Wilbur• (What are you wearing?!)

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Techno had to look over Tommy when Wilbur and Phil are gone because some important things to do


"What do you mean me?"

"Well you're already here and we gotta go like right now"

Phil said with a chuckle

"So you just called me to babysit him?"

"Uh yeah! You know about age regression right?"

"Yeah I do, why?"

"That's exactly why you're here"

Techno was kinda suprised, he never knew Tommy was a little nor took care of a kid before. Let alone a little

"How? Are you guys just gonna leave me?"

"We have to, we are kinda of in a hurry and you're the only one we can call. And since you said you knew about regression well we don't need to explain further"

"Fine i'll do it. Only if you pay me back"

"Whatever fine, just watch him for us and take care of him. Also try playing with him, he was been lonely and Tubbo is away. He doesn't have anyone to play with really"

Techno chuckled and nodded and walked inside their house. I mean how hard can it be to take care of him? He could just leave him with some toys and it's all good. He went over the couch, he saw Tommy laying on his tummy and swaying his little legs back and forth while stacking some blocks

"Hello buddy"

Tommy looked up and saw a really tall figure and suddenly crouching down at his level. He got scared at first because Techno has never seen his littleside before

"Now sweet pea, don't be scared. Techno knows, he won't judge you and he is here to take care of you while were gone"

Phil said in a soft tone while shuffling his hair. The boy understood and nodded at him

"Well off we go now, bye!"

Wilbur said while dragging Phil out the door before shutting it. Now Techno was left with a regressed boy to look after all day

~end of flashback~

Techno sat on the couch and took out his phone to entertain himself while the boy is just playing with his blocks and talking to his stuffy. After getting used to him being around, Tommy got bored and wanted to play dress-up. He always loved trying different costumes. It could be a prince, some fairytale creatures, or his favorite animals. He went to grab a box Wilbur made for him to store all his little clothes to play dress-up whenever he feels like it.

This time, he is not alone. Techno was babysitting him so he decided to take advantage of it and wanted to play with him. So he shyly walked over to him, and will try to convince Techno

The caregiver had no idea what the boy was planning and why he toddled over to the small box in the corner and started lifting it and walking back towards him

"What's that kid?"

Techno said in a soft tone

"I wanna pway dwess up wid yous!"

"What? Uh can't you play by yourself?"

"Buh I wan to pway with you"

Tommy said sadly while looking down at the box

"I'm sorry toms, I don't really like dressing up as much. You can dress up yourself, I'll just watch you"

"Nu buh I wan you to wear dis

The boy said while dangling a small crown begging the elder. When Techno saw it his eyes widen

Oh my, I don't want to make him cry. But wearing that would be too far

He thought to himself

"No bubs, maybe next time"

Techno said putting the crown down, then Tommy's eyes filled with tears and started crying

"Oh no no, don't cry no shh"

"Nu! Techie won' pway wid me!"

The boy said while crossing his arms and dropping the box, still in tears. Techno tried everything to calm him, even offered his favorite movie. But nothing seem to work. So he swalloed his last piece of dignity and decided to play dress-up with the young boy

"Ok ok fine! I will play dress-up with you"

When Tommy heard those words he instantly bolted back and wiped his tears away. He picked the box up and handed it to Techno

"Yay! Techie will pway!"

"Yay i'm excited"

Techno said trying sound excited

"So uhm what o-outfit are we gonna wear?"

"Yous is gonna be a faiwyyy!"


"Yeshhh! Now pwease wear dis. You gon be my faiwy and I ish going to be faiwy like you too!"

The boy handed him a tutu, a crown and a small wand and picked out an outfit for himself too. Techno looked at the time and it was almost for Wil and Phil to arrive. He just shrugged it off hoping that Tommy will make him remove the silly outfit sooner or later

A few minutes later, they both finished wearing their little outfits and the young one pulled Techno to the mirror to look at what their wearing

"Hehe techie wook! We pwetty faiwyyss!"

Tommy said while doing a little twirl

"Techie do a wittle twirl too! Wike me"

Techno sighed and did a twirl too. Tommy clapped and cheered, jumping around. The caregiver smiled at the boy being happy and it started cheering him up to. Then they both did dances, posing and doing little tea parties for the boy's stuffies

Techno was busy having fun and playing with the young boy that he didn't pay attention on what time it is

The door unexpectedly opened, then Wilbur and Phil saw the brave and strong Technoblade sitting down having a teaparty with a little

"Aww what the, yall are so cutee!"

Wilbur said while pointing and laughing. He pulled out his phone and took a pic

"Wilbur, don't"

"Phiiil! Look what's happening in hereee!"

Phil jogged back at the door huffing

"What! I'm literally out of breath and-"

He looked across the room and saw Techno and Tommy wearing fairy costumes

"Hewo Phil! Hewo Wilby! Lookie! Techie an' I are faiwies"

Wilbur and Phil said 'aww' and took pictures while laughing their heads off. Techno just stood there turning red from embarrasment while Tommy did poses not having a clue what's happening. Needless to say, the boy had fun all afternoon with his favorite fairy buddy, Techno

A/N: I didn't know now to end it but I think this chapter is pretty cute and funny and I decided to put Techno because why not. So yeah :) Bye lovelies!

Word Count: 1041

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