chapter 11

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*Toras pov*

I wake up and it is now 5 oclock in the morning. I feel great and wide awake until i hear "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" my little stomach is growling.

I jumped down from my bed and went over to stars bed...since we share a room..."hey star? " i said.

"mmmmfffffffh" she mumbled into her pillow.

"hey i was wondering if you can make me some pancakes with frosting on them? " i asked.

"ask some other time magical talking bird" she mumbled. "*sigh* fine ill go ask leo."

I walked out of our room and headed towards leos. I opened it slightly...all i could hear was faint sounds... Snoring... He was snoring.

'nevermind' i thought. Next i went to donnie. I opened his door alittle bit and looks like he was up all night working on something. I looked at him and see him with his head down on his desk abd i looked closer and saw tear stains on his face. Wonder what he was crying about.

I went over to him and nudged him alittle. "hey donnie? " i asked.

He opened his eyes alittle and looked at me. I jumped up onto his lap and dtared into his eyes. "are you ok? " i asked and he gave me a confused look. "you were crying" i told him. "oh...uh... That! " he said wiping his face. "yeah im fine! Thanks for checking on me!" he said giving me a small smile. "go lay in your bed! Youll probably sleep better and not cry! " i said happily. He gave me a hug and i went out. "See you in alittle donnie when you wake back up!" i said as i closed his door. Wonder whats upsetting him? Nightmare maybe? Eh oh well. Next i went to raphies room. I opened his door alittle and saw that he was asleep. Man! What does a hawk have to do to get some breakfast around here!

Oh i know! I can ask master splinter!

I shut raphies door and made my way to the dojo. I went in and saw master splinter in the middle of the room meditating.

"come in my daughter" he said with his eyes still closed.

How did he know it was me?

I walked in and stood in front of him. "uhhhh master splinter-" i started.

"please tora... You're family now. You can me father"

"oh ok! Uh father i was wonderin if you can make me pancakes with frosting on them? Please? " i asked.

He opened his and looked at me. "hmmm" he said stroking his beard. "i can see what i can do" he picked me up and started heading to the kitchen. "what are you doing up so early anyways? " he asked me.
"oh! Im always up this early! " i said cheerfully. "ok" master splinter i mean father smiled.

He set me down and gathered the ingredients and started cooking.

*raphs pov*

I woke up to the smell of smoke. I looked at the clock and it read 5:15 am. Eh im going back to sleep its just smoke right? I closed my eyes. Wait...smoke?

I sat up as fast as i can. My blanket wejt flying everywhere as i tried to make my to my door. I finally opened it and made a mad dash to the kitchen. When i got there i saw leo with a fire extinguisher, donnie face palmed, star had no clue what was going on, master splinter and tora looked like a bomb blew up in there faces.

"uhhhh what happened" i asked while walking closer. Donnie pointed at tora and master splinter "ask them"

I knelt down to tora "hey pip squeak mind telling me what happened? "

"hehe funny story... Well i wanted pancakes with frosting... Nobody was a wake... So i asked father... And he tried... To...uh... Make me... Breakfast. " she laughed nervously.

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