chapter 2

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~leos pov~

"guys i think we were alittle to rough on mikey i think we should go and apologize" i said.

"i aint apologizing to that shell for brain! " raph growled.  "he screws everything up leo!  Because of him donnies hurt! "

"raph its just a scratch" donnie said calmly.

"just a scratch?  JUST A SCRATCH?!  If it wasnt for that idiot you wouldnt be hurt right now!" raph continued to yell.

"raphael!  Thats enough! " i yelled. I never really use his full name but when i start getting mad then i do.  "no were gonna apologize to mikey with or without you" me and donnie started heading towards mikeys room.

"mikey? " i asked.  "can we come in? "

No response

"mikey? " donnie asked. 

No response

"mikey please...can we come in? " i asked

The door opened slightly.  Me and donnie exchange glances and pushed the door open more revealing mikey sitting on his bed staring at the wall. 

"mikey? " i asked walking up to him slowly. 

I looked and from the light coming from the hallway shown on mikey since it was dark in his room. It looked like he has been crying. 

"please leave me alone... " mikey said in a quiet voice.

"mikey... " i began.

"i said please leave me alone. " he said again. 

"you heard the shell for brains over there he wants us to leave him alone" raph said from the door. 

Mikey started tensing up when he heard raph calling him names again.  "maybe that idiot will think ne-" before raph could finish mikey stood up. 

"THATS IT!!!!  I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" we are all shocked at mikeys sudden outburst.  "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST BLAME ME FOR EVERYTHING?! HUH?!  WELL YOUR WRONG!  WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!  I MAY NOT BE AS TOUGH AS RAPH!  OR AS SMART AS DONNIE!  OR LEADER TYPE LIKE LEO!  YOU KNOW WHAT IM SICK AND TIRED FOR GETTING BLAMED FOR EVERYTHING! YOU GUYS CALL ME A SCREW UP, SHELL FOR BRAIN, IDIOT AND OTGER STUFF YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE FEELINGS TOO!  IF YOU THINK IM SUCH A SCREW UP THEN FINE ILL LEAVE!" mikey finished and we just stood there shocked.  "mikey im-" raph began.  "NO RAPHAEL!  YOU KNOW WHAT IM OUT OF HERE! I longer...your brother. " mikey just walked past us and staryed heading for the exit but raph grabbed his arm "let. Me.  GO! " mikey growled. 

Raph let go of mikey and he just walked away.  I failed... As a brother...and i lost my youngest brother... Im sorry mikey. 

~mikeys pov~

After raph let go of me i started heading straight for the exit.  I went to the nearest manhole cover and went up top.  I started jumping from roof to roof until i got to shredders layer.  I walked in and didnt see anybody.  Huh...thats weird i would at least figure that there would be foot ninjas roaming the halls. But there was nothing it was like a ghost town in here. 

As i continued to walk through the halls i felt like someone was watching me.  "hello? " i called out and was surprised when i got a response. "ah michelangelo." the shredder said as he stepped out of the shadows. 

"i would like to join the foot clan" i said.

"very well then michel-" i interrupted him.  "call me... Midnight" "well midnight we have to see if your worthy enough to join the foot clan" he said as he came charging at me.  I dodged every single attack until he cut me on the neck. Soon after he cut me on the cheek. I yelped out in pain but kept up a very good fight.  My neck and cheek was bleeding out pretty bad. I grabbed my orangew mask and wrapped it around mg neck to stop the bleeding.

Shredder stopped fighting and called for one of his men to come and take me to a cell.  The ninja dragged me away to a cell. Im no longer michelangelo...but for now on my name is...midnight.

Midnight (TMNT fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora