chapter 5

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Hey guys sorry for the late update! Ive been kinda busy with school!  Ive only been to school 3 days in 2 weeks! Crazy right?  We had a lot of snow here (somewhat...not as much as other places) and so with all the days we were out we had to make up alot of work. Ugggggggh.....and were suppose to get more snow thursday!  IM READY FOR SPRING!  Im ready for it to warm up...that and also my birthday is in spring!  (OMG IM GONNA BE 17 ON APRIL 4!!!! WHAT?!)  so anyway enough of me talking! Lets get to the story! 

Raph: finally!!!!!

Me: watch it hot head!

Raph: what?  I just want to know what happens!

Everyone: ...................

Me: raph are you feeling ok?

Raph: im just fine!  Now get to the story!
Me: should run some test on him later...

Donnie: *nods*

Me: ok now to the story

Mikey: yay!  Time for the story about me!

Leo,  raph, and donnie: shut up mikey!

Me: leave my mikey out of it! 

Mikey: he he you got told by a girl! *laughing and pointing at his brothers*

L,  r,  d: *chases mikey*


Me: well anyway...while ill go help mikey escape from his brothers...enjoy the story!


*raph pov*

"ugggggg i cant believe him!!!!  Going and joining the foot!  I mean what has gotten into that shell brain of his! " i yelled angrily. I flintched as donnie was trying to stitch my leg up.  "stop moving so much! Im trying to stitch your leg! " donnie said. 

"fine... " i said.  Leo walks back into the lab and iblooked at him and he has a patch over his eye. "does it hurt still? " donnie asked.  "no...since you gave me those pain pills for it it stopped hurting mostly" leo said.  "good!" don said with a smile.

I noticed leo swaying alittle bit.  "hey leo, you dont look to good" i said.  He looked up at me and said " im just tired thats all"

"leo you should go to bed and get some rest" don said.  Leo hesitated before saying "fine... *yawn* ...bye guys" "bye" we said in unison.  Acouple more seconds later and don looked up at me " all done" i looked down and my leg is all stitched up.  "thanks... " i said quietly.  Don just gave me a sad smile.  I tried to stand up but don just frowned.  "you cant really walk on your own right now..." he said as i sighed.  He went over behind his desk and pulled out a cruch.  "here you can atleast walk small distances with this. But i wouldnt recommend using that leg that much right now... " he said.  "oh..." i said im hardly ever sad but this is one of the time... That im actually sad.  Why does it hurt so much!

Could it be because of...mikey? 

What no thats crazy!  But...its quieter with him gone.  I know he tried to kill us but...i want my brother back. 

I walked...or wabled...or whatever!  Im trying to keep my balance on the crutches and tried to get to the couch.  I finally got the hang of it as i exited the lab door.  Huh... That was quick.  I sat down on the couch and next thing i know darkness took over me and i fell into a deep sleep.

*donnies pov*

Raph walked out of the lab and i just broke down.  What have we done to our brother to make him act like that?  Then i remembered what he said the night that he left.  Oh... I got up from my chair and made my to the lab doors. I looked out and see raph on the couch. 

I walked up to him and noticed hes asleep.  I grabbed a blanket and put it on him.  Then i went to check on leo.  I opened his door very slowly and quietly. I checked and hes asleep also.  I closed his door and made my way to the entrance of the lair. 

"donatello... Where are you going my son?" i hear master splinter say behind me. I turned around slowly and looked up at him.  "i just need to get some fresh air... Thats all" i said. He stroked his gotee (sorry i dont know how to spell it)  "very well then" he began "but please be careful i have a feeling that theres great danger heading our way... Please come back as soon as you can" he pleaded with me.

"hai sensei!" i hugged him. He hugged back,  after we let go i went up to the surface. 

I usually bow to sensei but... Im beginning to become depressed because mikey... Midnight... Has joined the foot clan.  I just need hug and talk to you. Right now sensei is the only one that will listen to me.

I only told sensei part of the truth...i still am up at the surface for fresh air...but im also up here to try and find midnight. 

I need to talk to him.

I just want to tell him...its not his fault. 

I looked around and i see a figure on the roofs.  I looked closer and its... Midnight!

I ran from rooftop to rooftop also until me and him were on the same roof. He just stared at me not saying a word. 

"midnight please listen to me..." i said as i looked down.  "its not your fault"

He looked at me confused. "what are you talking about? " he asked.  "that night i got hurt and raph blamed you..." i began.  He growled at the name and memory.  "well its not your fault!  It was wrong of him to do it! Mikey im sorry! " i said as tears streamed down my face. I looked into his eyes for a second his eyes showed sadness but they soon turned to anger.  At this point it started to rain. 

He just sighed and turned around.  He looked over his shoulder and said " my name is midnight now...mikey is...long gone" then he disappeared into the night. 

I just sat there thinking... That anger in his eyes... I never seen it before...but at the same time i could tell he was hurt...its like he wants to come home but at same time hes cant...hes still angry...i dont blame him. 

Sensei was right...there might be a great danger heading our way. 

And our brother is envolved. We need to prepare for that day. 

Mikey... Or... Midnight is a totally different person now...i fear that we may never get the old mikey back. 


SUP DUDES AND DUDETTES!  or just dudettes if theres no guys reading.  Anyway!  What did you think?  I know its probably terrible...but i updated!  So please comment down below and vote if you like this story! 

Peace out my fellow turtle fans! 


~megan :)

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