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The story begins with you walking down a street. You come home from your little "job" on a late snowy night. You then notice a large package in front of your doorstep before unlocking the door and picking up the box. You try to see who would send a package to you, only to find no name on it.

After entering your house and locking the door, you set the box on the kitchen table, before walking towards your couch grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. The news immediately plays as the reporter talks about the sudden murders that occurred at a mental institution a few days ago. You start switching channels to find something else interesting to you. You then hear some shuffling coming from the box. You slowly walk over, reaching a hand out towards it.

Suddenly, hard loud knocks and the chiming of the front door bell is then heard, getting your full attention. Going to the window to find out who it is, you become a bit ticked off seeing kids only playing an annoying game of Ding Dong Ditch.

Y/N: Little brats...

A louder noise is then heard coming from the kitchen again. You walk quickly to the kitchen to find the package open. Inspecting the box closely it seems to have been sliced open. Feminine giggling is heard from behind you. You turn around, looking upon a red headed female doll, wearing blue overalls and a rainbow shirt. She was sitting on the armrest of the couch, swinging her legs in a playful manner.

 She was sitting on the armrest of the couch, swinging her legs in a playful manner

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A/N: (Inspired by the TV series and Bishoujo, drawn by me)

Chucky: Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'm your friend till the end. Hidey-fuckin'-ho.

Chucky then lets out soft chuckles as she stares you in your eyes. All the while, you're not even phased by the surprise.

Y/N: The hell are you doing here?

She gets a bit confused by the reaction.

Chucky: What? No screaming? No hello? *In a fake saddened tone* ....Not even a hug?

Y/N: I've seen scarier things. I've read a lot about you, Charlotte Lee Ray. You're quite popular on the media.

You have blank expression on your face, putting both your hands in the pockets of your hoodie and glaring at the murderous doll, while Chucky has a soft smile on hers.

Chucky: You're a hard guy to find, cutie. Took me a long time to track ya.

Y/N: Track me? For what?

Chucky: Because...

Chucky reaches behind her, pulling out..... your mask. Your eyes then change from their normal e/c to a crimson red. Before you could ask how she got it, she spoke first.

Chucky: You're the Crimson killer.

Y/N: ...

Chucky: And honestly, I'm a huge fan!

Y/N: .....

Chucky: Seriously, I really am. Also, you should find a better spot for your "murder tools."

Y/N: Noted. Now, why are we having this conversation?

Chucky: 'Cause I just had to see you with my own eyes. Plus, I've always wondered... what's it like for you to kill your victims? But most importantly.... how you do it?

Y/N: Why? You get off on that sort of crap?

She looks away from your gaze, and back again.

Chucky: Maybe~

Y/N: Heh. You're sick.

Chucky grabs the remote, switching the TV back to the news, with the reporters now talking about the Crimson killer murders that have occurred in several areas and shows Crimson's calling card.

Chucky: Yeah, well, that makes two of us.

She begins laughing while you softly chuckle to yourself. Chucky then hops off the couch, still holding your mask and slowly walks over to you, as she pulls out a knife from her overalls.

Chucky: Now, how about we go out and have some fun, cutie?~

She hands you your mask and you grab it, softly smiling at each other as your eyes continue to glow red.

(To Be Continued...)

Wanna Play? (Fem!Chucky x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora