Voodoo is Complicated

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It's around 5 in the morning as the sun begins to rise while Chucky and I are back on the road. Only this time, we don't have to go much further since we're already in Hackensack now. Chucky tells me to stop the car in front of a hotel building.

Y/N: Are you sure this is the place, Chucks?

Chucky: Yep, time to go~

She then climbs on to me and goes limp. I sigh and exit the car and enter the building. Chucky whispers in my ear on where to go and I just follow here directions again. As I listen to her last bit of instructions, I reach a door and knock on it. I hear female voices behind it and some footsteps, approaching the door as I let Chucky down. The door opens to reveal. . . .Jennifer Tilly?! And what Chucky says, makes me confused.

Chucky: Hiya, Tiff.

Tiff?: Sweetface! Come here!!

Chucky Instantly runs over for a hug as "Tiff" bends down, hugging her back. While she's down, I look into the room, noticing another woman in the back, resembling the Serial Killer, Nica Pierce, who was looking me up and down, as if studying me like I was her prey. I start getting nervous and more confused, due to the fact that Jennifer Tilly and Nica Pierce are in the same room together with only and robes covering their half naked bodies. unconsciously take a step back. Just then, Jennifer-- I mean, "Tiff" finally acknowledges me.

Tiff: Who's he, Chucky?

Chucky: Don't worry he's cool. He's the one who got me here. By the way, Y/N this is Tiffany, my partner in crime!

Tiffany? Tiffany Valentine!? The hell?

Y/N: U-Uh... u-u-um....

I'm in lost for words right now, and Chucky noticed.

Chucky: Hey, what's the matter?

Nica: Well, don't just stand there Tiff! Let 'em in!

Tiff steps to the side, letting me and Chucky in the room. After they closed the door Chucky and Nica guide me to the kitchen and sit me down in a chair with Chucky sitting on the table in front of me and Nica sitting in a another chair beside me, while Tiffany starts cooking something.

Y/N: Will someone please tell me, what in the actual fuck is going on here...?

Both Nica and Chucky look at each other, then back at me.

Chucky and Nica: It's a long story.

I try to prepare myself, but nothing could me wrap my head around the story. I already know about the part when Chucky and Tiffany were dating before she died once then dying a few times before meeting back up with Tiffany, sure. But then Chucky says, somewhere down the line, Tiffany had the idea transfering her soul into Jennifer Tilly's body, but not before somehow having two children named, Glen and Glenda, which metaphorically has my head spinning. And after more or less killing Andy Barclay's "childhood," she decided to finish what she'd started with Nica's family, slaughtering them all and even went as far as to torment her in the asylum I heard about on the news a week ago, moments before meeting the possessed killer doll herself. Chucky even told Nica about using her niece, Alice as a puppet to go on a killing spree before getting killed. That's just fucked up on so many levels. And after all that, Nica tells me that she's actually Chucky as well. Splitting her soul into multiple hosts, including Nica by using a voodoo spell she'd learned on the internet.

My mind felt like it was about to explode at this point. I hold my head and lay it down on the table in front of me as doll Chucky softly pats it. I groan in frustration, having multiple questions needing to be answered.

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