Little, Little Lies

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Caroline's POV

I wake up in a hospital bed and daddy notices, calling my name and waking up to me before sitting.

Caroline: I like to be hugged.

I say, quoting Chucky's words. Daddy kisses my cheek and I look around for my friends.

Caroline: Where are Chucky and Y/N?

Daddy: Oh, sweetie, they've had a few boo-boos and to rest, now. Maybe you can see them in a little bit.

I get a little irritated by being kept away from them.

Caroline: I want Chucky and Y/N. I want Chucky and Y/N! I WANT CHUCKY AND Y/N!

Daddy: Okay, but, uh.. Chucky and Y/N look a little different now, honey.

He says as he gets up off the bed and walks to a closet pulling the two out then comes back to me and reveals them. I'm horrified by their looks and I scream loudly.

Y/N's POV 

After Caroline screamed in horror when she saw us, her dad went over to the nearest garage chute in the hospital, throwing me and Chucky in. We scream as we slide down into a pool of trash. I climbed out first and noticed some used needles in my arms and legs. I got nervous, not knowing what was in it as I helped Chucky out, seeing a few needles in her arms, head and chest as well and in a matter of three seconds I started seeing some weird stuff. We both laughed in unison, high out of our minds on whatever was in those syringes. Chucky speaks as she swims through the waste, kinda like Scrooge Mcduck but with drugs.

Chucky: WHAT A FUCKIN' RUSH!! That's some good shit! HAHAHAHA!!! 

Y/N: Oh shit! I'm tripping balls, man!! 

Chucky grabs me as we fall back into the trash, holding me close to her.

Chucky: God, I love hospitals!


Jake's POV

Last night, Devon, Lexy and I were at the hospital when we tried to make sure that the evil duo were dead, but they were already gone by the time we got there. Now, we're  in science class discussing what they could be doing right now, amongst ourselves.

Lexy: How do they move around so fast? They're freaking dolls.

Jake: Maybe they left Hackensack.

Devon: No, they're psychos, back in her hometown on a mission. They're not leaving.

I noticed Junior, looking at us in some type of way.

Jake: What do we do about Junior?

They turned around and noticed the same thing.

Devon: We should tell him.

Lexy: No. No, we can't bring him into this. He doesn't have the imagination.

We continue to talk about what their goal might be and where they're going or who they're going to kill. Then Junior comes over, interrupting our discussion.

Junior: What are you guys talking about?

Lexy: Nothing.

Junior tries to fit in the conversation, asking  if we've watched "Westworld" and starts talking about the robots. We tell him that we haven't and this entire moment becomes awkward, but then Miss Fairchild resumes class. 

//More Timeskips//

Lexy's POV

I walked around the half burnt house to where my dad and sister were, seeing Caroline with a big smile on her face and I noticed that dad had two dolls in his hands that looked exactly like the evil ones.

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