Death by Misadventure

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Doll Y/N's POV

Jake held me and Chucky close as he walked down a long street towards his home. Once we all get there, he takes us straight to his room where there's a bunch of doll parts scattered around. On the walls, some his table and bed, a big sculpture in the middle of the room. Dude, is this kid fucked in the head or something.......Then again, who am I to talk?

After Jake hangs up his jacket and pets his cat.

Jake: How you doing, Binxie?

"Binxie" meows as Jake sits Chucky and me down and walks back out the door. The cat then jumps up to us. First, studying us then starts scratching, hitting and rubbing against me and Chucky's body. I slightly turn my head to notice her making a fist, ready to punch the unsuspecting pet. I stop her and shake my head, plucking the cat's leg and frightening it away from us. Jake comes back, grabbing Chucky and tries his damndest to remove her head. He gives up seconds later, laying Chucky down on the table and going to his dresser and grabs a pocketknife.

Jake: Let's see what you're really made of.

In the meantime, Chucky looks over at him and was moving her arm up a bit, until we hear the door downstairs open and slam shut before hearing Jake's dad yells out.

Jake's dad: Jake, I'm home!

Chucky instantly puts her arm down and uses her doll voice.

Chucky: Hey!

Jake gasps, quickly turning around and facing Chucky's direction, obviously startled.

Chucky: Wanna play?

He sighs and the door to the room opens as his father walks in, a bit annoyed see two new dolls here.

Jake's dad: Jesus Christ, Jake. More frickin' dolls?

Chucky: Hi, I'm Chucky. Hidey-ho! Haha.

Jake: It's voice activated. I was thinking about using their heads for the sculpture. What do you think?

Jake's dad: I don't know. I'm no art critic.

Jake: Well, I'm not asking for a review, dad. I just want your opinion.

Jake's dad: It's cool, Jake. I still think you're spending too much time on it. You know it's almost impossible to make a living as an artist.

Jake: Mom did...

Jake's (Asshole) dad: That wasn't a living. That was a life style, and it certainly didn't pay the bills.

The more I hear these two speak, the more annoyed and pissed I get at the dad. I miss half of their conversation. Then I hear how he isn't letting Jake join an art camp because it's "not gonna work out." At this point I'm control myself and not kill this fucker, right off the bat.

Moments later, Jake and rest of his family are downstairs having a awkward dinner together as I'm well hidden and eavesdropping while Chucky's upstairs, doing god knows what. It was kinda going well until, Jake's cousin Junior, messes with Jake, saying that the "Eagle Scouts" are accepting "gays" now. They go back and forth about playing with dolls, helping the homeless and keeping up with Harry Potter... or some shit. I return to my thoughts missing a big chunk of another conversation.

*Y/N's Thoughts* This entire family are just going to be complete assholes, aren't they?

Suddenly, Jake's father Lucas, throws a glass cup on the floor, frightening everyone, including me. He speaks with a angry tone as he refers to Jake.

Lucas: Would you give it a rest? He's thirteen years old and doesn't know what he is!

The room is silent until Jake speaks quietly.

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