Chapter 1

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Skyleap groaned as the kits kicked. "Clawedfeather, can you go get me a piece of fresh-kill, the kits are kicking and I'm hungry," she mewed to her mate, Clawedfeather, as he got up and went to get her a piece of fresh-kill.

Clawedfeather was the best mate, he loved her so much that he was basically the one expecting the kits, always by my side, helping me, and making sure I wasn't effected by the floodwater. I always woke up with a wet nest. Feathers from my nest were everywhere on the ground from this awful water. Mooncloud told me to talk to her when the kits started to kick, hard. Which I hadn't had something like that yet. I saw the hunting patrol come. The cats I think on the patrol were Finchface, Winterpaw, Batwing and Littleleap; she was also expecting but hadn't moved into the nursery yet.

"Skyleap? Are you still here?" Clawedfeather called as he entered the nursery, holding a fresh, juicy rabbit.

"That rabbit looks good, Clawedfeather, do you want to share it? After all you chose it and its fresh." She asked, shyly, as the fresh rabbit scent wafted into her nose making her mouth water.

"Thanks for the offer, but I saw a nice, fat vole on the fresh-kill pile and I hope nobody takes it. I'll be back after I grab the vole" he called as he left.

"Why doesn't ever share with me anymore, he's always sharing with Sunbird, but not me. *sigh* He might choose Sunbird after these kits are born. No he wouldn't, he wants me to have my strength for when the kits are born, right?" she murmured to herself

Then when I was looking around camp I saw Clawedfeather's tail twined with Sunbird and worst of all, they were both purring. I had to stop him. I stopped eating the rabbit he gave me, and got up to go see my mate, Clawedfeather, and confront him once and for all.

"Clawedfeather" I screamed. " What are you doing with Sunbird...."

"Skyleap," he said shocked, "This isn't what it looks like..."

"Then why did you have your tail twined with Sunbird?"

"Well, she's my half sister." He said to me, like he had cheated on her

"What?!? Why did you never tell me, I'm your mate after all!" 

"Well, Skyleap, Sunbird is half rouge half Cloudclan, I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would tell the clan leader, Shiningstar." He whispered to me so no one else could hear

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