Chapter 33

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I blinked my sleepy eyes open. Starclan! I was overjoyed to see them.

"You died. But your power is to come back to life as long as loved ones have died. Go now, Bearcub's life fades as you take it back with you." Smokeyfur murmured.

"Will he still be here?" I asked as my body started to fade.

"Yes dear. But you take his youth with you to live on." She called out.

"Spiritsong, she was hit by a sliver-rubbish. I hereby announce she is-"

"Alive"I wheezed.  

"Wait, Spiritsong. How...."

"Starclan has the answers. Keep it in." I murmured.

I looked up. The others looked at me. I must've been dragged here. 

"Whose this? Whose this? Whose this?" A kit bounced up and down on me.

"Sunnykit, get off. This is the new deputy, Spiritsong, and your future mentor."


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