Chapter 34

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I stared up into the shinning sun. I blinked. It stung my eyes. Sunnykit's eyes blazed orange in the hot sun. Her orange pelt shone. Her white legs walked around me like snow. She nuzzled me and followed her mother away. Then I remembered that I heard the sliver-rubbish. Why hadn't I moved? But I never knew what they looked like. I was a very young cat. I missed being a young cat with parents. Yes, I had my dad, but I didn't have my brother or sister, Bearcub and Midnightpaw. My mother had been killed from a cat who wanted another dead. She had the misfortune of witnessing a horrible murder. She tried to save him. Shadewhisper killed my mother, Skyleap, and Deathwish, Cloudchaser's brother. I heard that Shadewhisper accused Cloudchaser of promising if he killed his brother he'd get Midnightpaw. He rebelled after he was exiled. Shellsheep was killed in the battle. After that, the others came. Litteleap had her kits. The clans had separated but some of the cats that travelled with Cloudclan stayed. Like Fadedheart. I guess this was the end. I'd see my family again. But until then, I'd have to live the legacy of a leader, a mother.

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