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I touched my nose to the glowing stone. Starrock. I blinked sleep away. Starclan! 

"You have come Spiritsong. Are you ready for your 9 lives."

"Y-Yes, Racoonstripe."

"I give you a life for a mothers' love. You already have given birth to the 2, but you didn't really love them, did you"

A gasped for air. The spasm rocked my body from head to toe. I regained my strength to see Shellsheep.

"I give you a life for courage. To lead in the place of Shiningstar."

Another spasm rocked me. My legs buckled underneath me. I stood up to see my father. He had died a moon ago.

"I give you a life for faith. To look at the bright side of life. To walk by the new leaders and the warrior code."

This life didn't rock me. I drank it in hungrily. To my surprise, Cloudy sky was standing in front of me.

"I give you a life for love. To love Cloudchaser with all your heart. Love him for Midnightpaw, who couldn't make it." He teared up as he left me drinking in this life.

"My name is Soulclaw. I wasn't with my starry warriors at this time. I give you a life for strength. To live in all the pride you have."

I stood still, pain raking my body. I looked up to see Skyleap standing over top of me.

" I give you a life for trust. Trust others, but don't trust them to much. If they break your trust, forgive them, everyone need another chance." Her muzzle pressed on my head as pain seared like claws.

"Are you still awake, Spiritsong. I have life to give," amusement glowed in Mistyscar's eyes.

"I give you a life for unity. Unite the clan back together. Make them better then ever."

My body rocked back and forth as the life shook me. I couldn't believe my eyes. My youngest kit, Shadekit, who died at birth, was in front of me.

"I give you a life for hope. To believe the other clans who have gotten their old members back. To hope that we are never driven away again."

This life didn't rock me. I drank in the life hungrily. Shinningstar appeared in front of me.

"Hello my young one. I miss the days we walked together but we have different lives now. I give a life for mercy. If a rouge thats hurt comes in, give mercy and don't drive them away."

It rocked me back and forth. Shinningstar lifted her muzzle.

"I hail you by your new name, Spiritstar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of Skyclan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the ; live each life with pride and dignity. Keep the two safe and love them as your daughters."

"Spiritstar! Spiritstar! Spiritstar!"

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