Chapter 26

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I walked into Mooncloud's sleeping area.

"Whats the problem. "

"My mentor likes me." I blurted out.

"He wha...."

"Wintersky likes me. But he's my mentor. I'm scared, Mooncloud."

"I'll talk to Shinningstar about this. This makes me uneasy. You were right to talk to me." Mooncloud stated firmly.

I watched her shove her way toward Shinningstar. Then Midnightpaw crossed my mind. She hadn't been at my apprentice. I found her stale scent. I cautiously followed her trail. I was mixed with toms and the faintest trace of blood.

"She's mine, Cloudchaser. I killed your brother. I get Midnightpaw. Its fair-fair. Unless you're lying." The black tom hissed.

"If you want her so bad. Fight me for her. I love her more than you ever will. You just want to please your father with more kin. Shadewhisper, we've meet in secret. But don't take my love away from me" Cloudchaser snapped back.

"Guys get help. You broke my leg dragging me here."

I knew that was my moment. I sprang out and picked Midnightpaw up. She was propped on my shoulder when they noticed. Midnightpaw dragged herself away but Shadewhisper caught her and put her in a hole. I froze in the moment and Shadewhisper put me in the hole too.

"Well well well. We have a spy don't we. Or more fuel for the bargain." Shadewhisper muttered, loud enough for me to here.

"We should take them out of the hole, Shadewhisper. How are going to feed them."

"We don't feed hostages, Cloudchaser. Unless you give up. They will starve unless you let me have Midnightpaw."

"Never. I will be back, Shadewhisper. Just you wait." Cloudchaser hissed as he ran away.

"Now what will I do with you two. I know, feed you the scrawniest pieces of fresh-kill I can find. You gotta share though." He said mockingly and stalked off.

"What are we going to do, Spiritpaw. What are going to do." Midnightpaw sighed

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