Chapter 17

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I realized that he'd tried to kill me before. The deathberry finch was one way. No he couldn't have. That would mean my dear Starlessnight lied to me. I am now expecting Finchface's kits. Why didn't he warn me. He walked my dreams. He told me everything. I couldn't breathe.

I saw the boulders. I saw his starry fur. My heart started racing.

"Dear, dear, dear," his gaze flickered from me to his paws. "What have you done. Expecting that psycho's kits. I thought you loved me."

"I do Starlessnight. I didn't wanna expect his kits. I love you more." I cried out.

Spotstar came out of the clearing. He must've heard me cry out.

"Don't be so hard on her, Starlessnight. I remember when Sliverfeather found out she was expecting kits. She told me. I was overjoyed. But when she told me they weren't mine, I was outraged. I found out they were Frostface's, I wanted him out of my life so bad. But if he never existed, Shinningstar wouldn't exist." He spoke with a note of sorrow in his voice.

"I-I remember playing with you. You were deputy. Spotfish was your warrior name wasn't it?" I told him as his eyes softened.

"I remember that too, Shinningsnow. You were my favourite out of the litter. Your were lucky to even be leader. You are still by far the oldest cat I know other then Quiet sky." He purred.

"Wait... You guys are related?"

"Yes we are. Sliverfeather had 2 litters of mine. Then had kits with Frostface. Then had one last litter of mine to show she was a loyal mate." He explained

"Now its your time to go, my step-daugter Shinningstar."

"Good-bye my love."

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