Chapter 7

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"This gathering is over. It will be never again with Cloudclan. We all wish for this be again," called Meadowstar. 

I jumped down from Sparklerock. I counted all the cats. It was roughly 90 cats travelling with us. I gathered them all. Dancingwater was beside the medicine cat travelling from her clan, Starshadow. She was coughing heavily. At that point, I knew she had the deadly Redcough.

"Mooncloud," her ears perked at her name being called," go fetch some catmint. It shall cure her of this deadly Redcough. Go now, quickly." I told her as she rushed off. 

"Ahem." I heard Fadedheart speaking to me. "My mate, Blaze, he's a kittypet, wants to be a warrior since I am expecting his kits." She told me.

I looked around.  All cats had left. I signalled Wintersky to go get our clan as I jumped up on Spaklerock. I called the familiar summons;

"Let all cats old enough to hunt gather around Sparklerock for a joint clan meeting." I watched all the cats gathered around

"Blaze has come from Two-leg-place and has proved himself worthy of being a warrior. Are you ready to be a warrior Blaze?"

He looked nervous then replied." Yes, Shiningstar, I am ready."

"Then from this moment on, Blaze will be known as Blazingfire."

"Blazingfire, Blazingfire, Blazingfire!" Everybody chanted. I was proud of this joint clan. 

I didn't realize that Blaze had much more then ambition.

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