Peppermint - Jungkook Oneshot

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Author - Hey guys...I felt a bit guilty as my previous Christmas one shot wasn't that great so I made another one...and this one is one of my favourite one-shots I have ever written...I tried something new by putting in some of the music I listened to when I wrote this...tell me if you would like me to add songs to my upcoming one-shots as well. This is a pretty long ff... it's around 3000 you guys can cuddle up in your blanket with a hot cup of cocoa and then read this. I hope you liked this. 


Phoenix :) 

"Oppa can I have your autograph please" 

"OMG Oppa how are you so hot" 

"Jungkook Oppa would you date me, please" 

Jungkook just smirked at the crowds around him...He was used to it...People crowded around him 24/7. 

Girls wanted him every time...he was everything a girl wanted...he was rich, had a good body and he was a bad boy. 

His bodyguards shooed the girls he walked ahead with his eyes ahead with a sly smirk plastered on his face. 

His eyes wandered to his sister...she quietly walked out of the same car...No one paid attention to her...she liked that...she liked that no one crowded around her...she was happy being alone...

She was his step-sister. His dad remarried after his mom died. He never really got to know his mom...she died just one week after he was born. His dad was usually sad until he met Jean at local charity work. Both of them immediately fell in love...He could see how happy his dad looked after getting married to her...but he hated both her Jean and her daughter Evelyn. Jean was in fact every kind to him, but he hated them...for no reason at all. 

He brushed off his thoughts as he continued walking ahead. 

He stood leaning against his locker while looking at his girls whispered sweet words towards him...Commitment was never his thing...he never ever hooked up with a girl...but still...he remembered the last thing his mother had left for him. 

Between our little fights and our giggles

Do you remember that you were the first lips I touched?

Between our little fights and our giggles
Do you remember that you were the first lips I touched?
The first hand I held,
The first one I cared for,
The only one I ever loved.
Do you remember you made me smile when I first saw you?
The first time I did I knew there was something there.
A spark between us that I felt only when I was with you.
Do you remember that you were the first to put your arms around my waist?
The first to lift me in the air.
You were my Romeo, I was your Juliet
Do you remember we weren't allowed to see each other?
But still, we made it happen.
We weren't allowed to talk, but still, we managed.
Do you remember when we happened you held me so tight?
We didn't want to let go
Do you remember when I would look at you and just smile?
You gave thanks to God every day since he put me in your life.
Do you remember that you were the first one I ever cried for?
Besides my daddy when he left me.
Do you remember we had something that nobody had?
Something people looked for but didn't find.
You were the best I ever had. (:
You were my first love.
If I had three wishes the first one would be,
To see that beautiful smile I love to see.
The second would be to be in your arms just one more time.
The third would be to have you back in my life,
To have you forever baby.
'Till this day you're still in my heart. And I don't regret a thing.

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