Master Kenobi's Advice

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An hour after Padmé and I enjoyed a lovely breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, and Padmé's astounding pancakes, I found myself at Dex Diner's, not so patiently awaiting Obi-Wan Kenobi's arrival.

"Hello Anakin." said a very familiar voice, that belonged to the Master Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Hey, Obi Wan." I greeted him without much joy.

"How are you and your family doing?" Obi Wan asked while sliding into the seat across from me.

"Alright," I replied, lacking enthusiasm. "How about you?"

"I'm doing well." Obi-Wan responded with much enthusiasm (well, his version of much enthusiasm). "Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Well, um, you see I had this nightmare last night and it was just like the ones I had about my mother dying, except it was about the twins." I replied, trying to put it into words so I wouldn't burst into tears.

"Okay. And how many times have you dreamed it?" Obi-Wan asked, concerned.

"Once." I stated flatly.

"Alright. So I assume you're worried about it coming true, am I right."

"Yes." I choked out softly.

"Why don't you tell me your dream." stated Obi-Wan.

"Okay. So I was playing with the twins in the nursery........"

Luke and Leia were rolling around on the bright yellow blanket trying to grab the cute stuffed teddy bear in my hand when I felt someone walk into the room behind me. "It's probably just Obi-Wan or Padmé." I thought to myself.

"What can I do for you?" I asked the mysterious person that had walked into the nursery.

"The proper question to ask would be what can I do for you?" The person stated with a pinch of evil in their voice, speaking in a somewhat deep, but strange voice that I knew it could belong to only one person.

"Sidious?" I asked in a shocked voice.

"It is I, young Skywalker." He replied. "Now ask me the proper question before I lose my patience with you."

"Uh. Well. Um. What can you do for me?" I questioned, very confused about why I was asking.

"I can get revenge on you for betraying me and going back with the stupid Jedi scum." Sidious spat.


And before I knew what was happening, Sidious launched himself forward, pulled out his lightsaber, and killed the twins while I just sat there.

"Oh wow." was all Obi-Wan had to say after I finished telling my dream.

"What if it comes true?" I asked, very very distressed, almost to the point of tears.

"You know what Anakin. I think you shouldn't spend your time worrying about it now and if you have the dream again come talk to me and I'll tell you what you should do next. Alright?" replied Obi-Wan.

"Alright." I said, not with much energy because I probably would worry about no matter who told me not to worry.

And with that Obi-Wan and I walked out of Dex Diner's, dropping our money off at the counter, and heading our separate ways. Obi-Wan to the Jedi Temple (I assume) and me back to Padmé's-I mean Padmé and my-apartment. I really have to remember that I can now call it our apartment, not just Padmé's.


Hurray!!!!! Chapter 6 is finished!!!! I want to thank all of you readers, voters, and commenters for doing what you're doing because I wouldn't be here without you!!! You guys really motivate me to write. It even bothers me when I have to do my homework instead of write! So thanks again and I hope to have the next chapter up soon! (Even though I have absolutely no clue what I'm going to have happen next. Hehe) 😊😊😊

Have a wonderful day and may the Force be with you!!!!

- Skywalker15 😀

P.S. I hope you all had a great Easter too. I know I did and it involved a silly string fight!!!!!!!!! 😀

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