Chapter 49

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"Where am I?" the words I utter after opening my eyes.

"What happened?" I add but seem to have no answer to my questions.

I turn to my right still lying on the couch.

"What is this place?" I mutter to myself.

"Oh, you're awake," a voice of a man startles me. My eyes grow bigger when I realize who is in front of me.

"Mr. Martin?" I suddenly rise from the couch. I could not believe my eyes. Why would someone like him be with me? How is this possible? I look around and realize that I am in his house. In the jerk's house.

I try to recall what happened earlier and the scene in which I fell into the pool enters my mind.

"Long time no see," he tells me.

"Yeah, but..." I feeble and he looks confused.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"How did I come here?" I say unanticipatedly.

"Did not you remember anything?" he asks again and I start to compose the words in my head.

"The only thing I remember is I fell into the pool," I tell him.

"I see," he utters then I look at him.

"Kawaki saved you from drowning that's what he told me. And I gave you two a ride home. We don't know where you live so we bring you home until you get conscious," he explains and I just give him a nod.

The jerk steps downstairs and he looks surprised when he sees me up already. I look at my clothes and I have changed already. Wait? Who did that?! I see no girls in the house.

"A friend from the neighborhood changed your wet clothes," the jerk tells me when he notices that I am feeling disturbed.

"I see," I mutter.

"Are you hungry or something?" Mr. Martin asks me. I shake my head. I don't want to add to the trouble I made.

"Can I go home already?" I am so ashamed. They took responsibility for me.

"Are you sure you don't want a bite?" he assures and I nod. I never heard the jerk speak again.

"Thank you for everything. I don't know how to show my gratitude to you," I say almost crying. I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"No need to thank us. We honestly owe you much more than this," he smiles at his son and the jerk doesn't show any reactions on his face.

"If you are ready to go, we can drive you home," Mr. Martin sure is kind.

"Yes, thank you," I say and I get up from the couch to ready myself. The jerk with his dad leaves the living room and Mr. Martin prepares the car.

The gown is right beside the couch. The shoes are on the side of the chair. I pick them and rush out of the house.

"Kawaki, are you going with us?" his dad asks.

"Nope. I will stay here," he replies.

"Let's go, Sarada," Mr. Martin tells me, and before I leave, I talk to the jerk.

"Um... Thank you for saving me," I bow my head at him.

"Why so formal? You don't look like the dork I know," he says and I smirk at him.

"Is that how you respond to what I said?" I frown at him.

"Just go. He is waiting," he tells me and I pause.

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