Chapter 35

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"So, how're your bruises?" Chocho asks when we meet at the corner of the street. She is still worried about my cheeks having bruises from yesterday's incident. I told her everything and she is supposedly the first person to know anyway.

"They are kind of fine now. Mom got it treated last night," I respond and she nods. We walk our way to the campus. This is our last day of school before our one-week Christmas break.

"So, do you have plans for this break?" Chocho asks me as we settle on our seats.

"Not yet. I am figuring out what interesting things to do," I answer and she pouts in front of me.

"Come with me shopping, watch movies, or hunt boys," she giggles and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Are you serious?" I ask still narrowing my eyes at her.

"Yeah," her short reply. Well, I have to go shopping to buy mom a present but hunting boys? It's a no, no.

I look around and see Tsubaki and Yodo whispering. I don't know what's going on. Are they talking about me again?

"Chocho, what's the latest news on the platform? I deactivated my account for like two weeks now," I bluntly ask and she wrinkles her forehead.

"Now I know why you haven't ranted about Boruto and Sumire," she says. I furrow my brows wondering what does she mean.

"What's going on?" I ask and she sighs.

"Rumors are spreading in the campus that Boruto and Sumire broke up," she states and I'm kind of surprised about it.

"They are just rumors though. But to be honest, I have not seen them together for a while now and there is this speculation that this is the reason why Boruto's studies were affected too. You know, he ranks down at second this quarter," she adds.

"Sumire seems fine. She looks all fine I can tell. She is always smiling during our practice. She must be busy with her apprenticeship in the club that's why they don't see each other often now," I say. I must be happy with the rumors spreading, right? But I am not. Something's wrong here but I think I am not able to do anything because this matter doesn't concern me.

"That could be true. Well, it's good news for you. Your chances are increasing again," she teases and I smirk at her. She raises her hands and gestures sorry to me.

"It's not something we can celebrate," I say and she nods while pouting.

Suddenly, the jerk enters the room, and everyone silences. Even we are stopped on our tracks. He walks towards his seat wearing his casual cold eyes and emotionless face.

After he walks past everyone, the rest of the class buzz again and some are whispering may be talking about him or the incident yesterday.

"Kawaki trends on the platform too," Chocho adds I suddenly glance at her she is glad based on her reaction.

"What about me?" I ask. I was involved too.

"Good grief, nobody is talking about you," I sigh in relief knowing I wasn't the talk of the town too.

"I see. Thank goodness," I respond.

"The gossip girls start to spread bad news about Kawaki. Some posted videos about those guys calling him a kick-out from Shoujo because he was a troublemaker. Some are afraid that he will start a riot in the campus too," Chocho narrates what's happening around. Then I reminisce about the incident yesterday. He is followed by trouble, yes. Even I was affected by his misfortune too. Damn that jerk! He has a curse.

"Indeed. Trouble follows him," I say. And she shrugs. Even he doesn't respect his father. Such kind of behavior is unacceptable. Luckily, when I saved him yesterday it was not his fault, or else I will be the center of all these criticisms that I tolerate his rebellious action.

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