Chapter 3

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"I think today is your lucky day, Sarada," Chocho tells me when we walk home.

It's about earlier. I was paired up with Boruto in our experiment activity tomorrow.

Further, I saw him smiled at me. I know I look so stupid being so astounded in front of his face, but still, I was so happy.

"S-A-R-A-D-A!" Chocho calls out to me.

"Yes?!" I respond I'm so confused. Is she talking to me?

"Are you okay? I am talking to you. Did you hear me?" she asks.

"I'm sorry, I was preoccupied," I apologize.

"You are daydreaming about Boruto I guess," she teases me.

"Huh? What?!" I snap.

"Come on!" she tries to tease me more.

"No-" she did not let me finish.

"I know you are thinking about how he smiles at you earlier. He's so cool, right?" she continues.

"Chocho stop it already!" I yell at her. I think my whole face turns red.

"Now I wonder what will you do tomorrow during the activity. Don't fluster when he talks to you, okay?" she adds.

"You're crazy, Chocho, " I tell her still blushing.

"No, you're crazy over him," she retaliates.

"That's not true!" I yell.

"Whatever. See you tomorrow and good luck. It's much better if you will give him your love letter by the time the activity ends," she suggests.

"No, I haven't written anything yet," I tell her.

"Huh?" she gives me a weird look.

"What?" I snap.

"You're so oblivious when it comes to this kind of stuff," she remarks.

Okay I admit, I'm so dumb when it comes to this puppy love thing. I only got a crush on Boruto. He's the only responsible boy I know at school.

And I always have this fear in my heart that he will reject my feelings and that would make me feel terrible for sure and I don't know if my heart could take it.

What will I say to him tomorrow? Can I speak to him without stuttering or flushing like tomatoes?

Oh my goodness, I'm being paranoid again. I need to make myself sleep or I will look like a mummy tomorrow.

Chocho and I are standing in front of the school gates.

"What's wrong, Sarada?" she asks.

Maybe she is confused as to why I suddenly stop walking.

"Chocho, I'm nervous," I confess.

"Huh?" she frowns.

"Do I look weird?" I ask.

"Indeed. Come on, let's go!" she drags me inside the campus.

I'm in front of my locker to change my shoes and when I turn to my right someone opens the locker next to mine and the locker's door hits my face.

"Ouch!" I shout.

Both my palms are on my face. It hurts!

When I'm about to scold someone, that jerk's face appears in front of my face.

"Are you blind or something?" I yell at him.

"I didn't notice your presence, " he excuses.

"Are you serious? You know you have neighboring lockers so you should at least check if someone is there before opening your locker!" I keep scowling at him but he seems not to care at all.

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