Chapter 29

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"Leave Kawaki alone then," Yodo continues before I can completely move away from her. I stop and turn to face her, our eyes meet. "Is that an order?" I chuckle. I don't care if she has something for the jerk but I guess stopping me from something that doesn't concern me at all is pretty much of a different story and besides, I can't do it.

"Yes, it's an order from me or else," now she is portending me about something without my knowledge. "Or else what?" I raise a brow at her statement wondering what she has hidden on her sleeves. She gives me a smirk that seems like dodging my question.

"I won't tell you unless you can't comply with my only order," she says and flips her long blonde hair.

"You know I am his tutor, right? So, I can't avoid him otherwise you can fix that problem," I may sound like making suggestions to her. It sounds ridiculous, to be honest.

"I don't think our adviser would change her mind. I'll make it pass but don't cross the line, okay?" she says and it looks like she also got a trump card against me.

"Tell me what you are planning to do against me," I insist but she seems not to tell me.

"No, no, no. I am not going to tell you. It's a secret for now," she says and moves closer to me. Sweats drop on my forehead.

"Just stay away from Kawaki," she whispers in my ear. I think I stop breathing for like three seconds then finally words come to mind.

"I can't do that. That's out of my control," I say and she stares at me.

"But whatever it is, it's sure appalling and I didn't expect it to come from you. It's up to you if you still want to do it but you must be prepared for the consequences," I continue and she is left astounded. Her eyes are wide open and she then grits her teeth of anger.

I turn my back at her and walk downstairs. She doesn't make a sound until I completely vanish from her sight. I sigh in relief when her presence disappears. I leave the Grade 10 building and aims to return to our classroom.

"Sarada!" Chocho calls out to me and she runs in my direction.

"Chocho..." I mutter and she looks tired. She pants and falls to her knees.

"You know I search for you everywhere and you are just here," she says still catching her breath.

"I talked to the jerk," I say and she stands up straight and looks at me.

"So, what did you discuss?" she asks, and I pout. She wrinkles her forehead in confusion.

"He doesn't look like helping me with this," I faintly say and she gestures, 'what?' at me.

"He is not alarmed about this at all because he doesn't have a phone," I tell her and she hangs her mouth up.

"Are you serious about that? How boring his life could be?" she shrugs and smirks.

"He might be lying or something so he won't get involved in this but I don't think he was. This is driving me crazy," I take back what I said, and Chocho gives me a wry smile.

"Don't stress yourself much in this. Get some rest and heal your wounds. I think you should go home now," she suggests to me. I think she is right. I need to rest and forget about the world for now. And I am guessing that I need to skip all my subjects for today but it's not a big deal. I'll just ask for notes from Chocho.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," we both get back to our classroom and grab my bag and leave to the doorway.

"Take care," Chocho waves at me and I respond to her with, "See you tomorrow Chocho," I wave goodbye at her and leave.

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