Chapter 11

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First and foremost, a shoutout to uchihaqueen00 thank you for supporting The Grumpy Jerk. I wish I could still make you crave more in the upcoming chapters. Just sit there and keep scrolling!


"Me?" I point to myself still can't believe what our adviser said just now.

Everyone looks at me with a confused face. They all twitching their brows. I too am surprised and confused about what's going on.

"Yes," she confirms.

No way! What kind of hell I have come to?

"W-Why me though?" I ask. I don't know if it's proper to question our adviser for her decisions.

"Well, you are the top student in the whole Senior High School department and besides, Boruto's going to help out some students in Room 12-D," she explains.

"I see," I mutter.

How lucky the 12-D students are.

Everyone starts to make indistinct chats. The buzz in my ears.

"Is there any problem, Sarada?" she asks me.

"Ah. Um... No-no," I utter. She looks confused.

"I'm fine. I don't need help from a dork."

The jerk says and coldly looks at me and our eyes meet. He is annoying, damn annoying.

"Kawaki, that's rude. I am trying to pick the best person to help you with your failing grades," she berates him.

"I can handle it," he keeps insisting.

"No, that's an order from me. Whether you like it or not, Sarada will accompany you and help you with our lessons," she commands.

"Tch," he murmurs.

"Otherwise, you want to get to a new school," she adds. The jerk has become more annoyed.

"Any objections from you two?" she asks us switching her stares from me to the jerk.

"No," we say in unison. We have no choice I guess.

"Well, the tutorial will not start today but a week before the mid-term exams," she states.

"Phew," I sigh.

"If the time comes, it's up to you where or when you are going to conduct the tutorial. You two must talk about it and must have uniform decisions," she reminds.

"And take note, no fighting. Sarada, I am expecting results from you," she looks at me with high expectations. Now, I can feel the pressure on my shoulders.

I don't know if we will work out together. I think we won't and I hope we will.

"We have a new activity as part of your next lesson in literature and you will be going to perform it next week," she says and everyone pays attention.

"I wonder what is that," Cho-Cho whispers beside me.

I shrug and focus my eyes on the front.

"You will be doing a play which entitles, Snow White and the Seven dwarfs," she exposes.

"Huh?!" I can hear my classmates say simultaneously. Not interested.

"Hey, what is that nonchalant expression on your face?" she frowns.

"A play?" I utter joyously and they all look at me.

"W-What?!" I snap.

"You sure are weird. I never heard such an enthusiastic voice in the class after hearing this lame play announcement," Tsubaki comments while gazing at me.

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