Chapter 22

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His voice stirs me up. I'm afraid that the distance between us will make him feel my struggle in breathing as a result of my nervy state.

He stood strong and still keeping me in between his arms. He is right for telling me I don't know him at all but, he is a monster, and that's for sure.

I feel my knees soft and I'm going to break down any minute. I gulp and gasp for air.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I manage to utter those words despite my trembling condition. He raises one brow and smirk curves on his lips, mocking me.

"Maybe for the slap you gave me from the last time. I am collecting charges for the damage caused," he growls and I unconsciously bit my lower lip. Cold and sticky sweats drop on my forehead.

I'm praying for somebody to show up in our place right now so he will let me go but unfortunately, nobody dares to pass by.

I can't take this anymore. I need to let go of his arms especially from caging me in.

I push him away and finally, remove his arms from confining me. I run as fast as I could without looking back. I head back straight into the classroom. I stop in front of the door and fall to my knees gasping for air. Everyone looks at me then Chocho runs in my direction and looking all so worried.

"Hey, what happened?" she asks and holds me to stand straight. I face her and respond, "Come with me, I'll explain in the cafeteria." and drags her to the place.

"The jerk is into bugging me to hell," I scoff, and Chocho's forehead wrinkles. She is clueless about what I am saying. So, I explained.

"So, he makes use of the opportunity to toy you around," she utters in disgust. I nod helplessly and let out a sigh.

"I need to get back the letter from him as soon as possible," I say with determination. The jerk needs to stop.

"But, how will you do that?" she queries while grabbing her phone from her pocket and taps on it.

"Um... I think whenever the chances take place," I say optimistically. She nods in agreement and I have to use all the ways to get out of this situation. My carelessness led me to this crap.

"You still have twenty-six days left," she reminds and it sickens me to think that it is still too far for my freedom to take effect. I just need one perfect opportunity and this hell of a thing will be over.

P.E. Class

Everyone's busy changing with their P.E. uniforms and I just got changed.

"Let's go to the field," Chocho invites me to get there already. We will be having a false race. This is a preparation for our upcoming relay that will be done at our next meeting. It's part of our activity in the subject.

When I realized that everyone's almost in the field, I look for the jerk. Where the hell is he? Our teacher isn't here yet.

"Hey, Chocho I think I forgot something. I'll be back," I leave her together with the rest and head back to our classroom. I'm walking in the hallway when I noticed the jerk's presence and he is walking his way out of the building. I did not tremble nor fear his presence I just walk head-on. He is not looking at me and I try my best not to stare at his face too until our paths crossed. I walk straight past him and he does too. I sigh in relief after I successfully overcome his presence.


I immediately run into our classroom and do what I must do. I walk inside and proceed not to my desk but the jerk's desk. I stop upon standing in front of his chair. His bag was there lying on. You are right, I am trying to get back the letter. I'm pretty sure it's inside his bag. I know it's bad going through other people's property but I just want my stolen property back.

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