Chapter 45

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"I'm sorry for everything..."

"I'm glad you're fine now..."

Those words keep popping in my head like a broken record ever since we got back from the camp. It felt like a dream yet it's real.

"S-A-R-A-D-A!" Chocho pokes me on my cheek and I am back to the world. We are sitting at our desks while waiting for our adviser to come in.

"Huh?" I mutter and I see her pouting at me.

"You are spacing out again," she tells me. Really?

"I'm sorry..." I say and she looks confused.

"Are you okay?" she asks and I stare at her for seconds.

"Yeah," I stammer and she looks suspicious of me.

"I don't think so..." she is being suspicious for real now.

"Come on, I --" Boruto cuts me off when he calls out to me.

"Sarada, let's have lunch together," he invites me and I think my face blushes like oh, hell. I look at Chocho and her eyes grow bigger.

"Huh?" I fluster and she is waving oddly in front of me. I don't get her. When I turn to face Boruto, his face looks confused.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks and I am quick to refuse.

"No, there is none. It's just that I was surprised by your invitation.

"Oh," he chuckles and then looks at me in the eyes.

"So, are you in for lunch later?" he asks again and I just nod. Heck, what? Did I just say yes?

"Alright then. See you at the cafeteria," he waves goodbye at me and returns to his seat.

Did he just ask me on a date? No way!!!

"Hey, your face is red. Kindly explain what's going on," Chocho demands. I can feel my cheeks heat up. She shakes me because I am not on Earth yet again. My heart is beating fast more likely going wild. This is the first time Boruto ask me for lunch with him so I guess it's normal to feel this way.

Chocho is insistent so I tell her everything that happened that night. I even told her about my encounter with Sumire and the jerk.

"So, are you two dating now?" she concludes.

"No, no," my quick response. I think my face looks funny right now.

"You mean, that invitation is the start of the most awaited date of the century?" she crosses her arms and I glare at her.

"What are you talking about?!" I raise my voice and they all glance at me. They look confused.

"Relax. You get so excited," she teases me.

"I'm not excited, you know?" I tell her and she doesn't look convinced.

"Well based on your reaction, you are," she fights and I pout at her.

"Whatever," I say and look away.

"I know it's your first time being asked by a guy to come with him for lunch. I understand your feelings so well," she says. I look at her and she gives me a wink. I smile at her gesture and she nudges me on my side.

A few seconds later, the jerk enters the room and Yodo suddenly moves closer to him to welcome him back but he ignores her. He hasn't changed a bit.

I can see how Yodo scowls at him. He proceeds to his desk and sits down quietly.

I don't dare to look at him. I don't know why I suddenly feel that way.

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