Chapter 2: Poppy

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You'd lived all your life in a gilded cage. Your power being used by those in a position of authority since you were small. They'd hide you from the world in order to keep you safe and secret. Nothing like having a secret weapon at your disposal at all times.

You'd dealt with it because you knew that there were worse people out there that would do far worse things with you and your power. So you stayed the perfect little witch, who never objected and never left her cage unless asked.

You didn't tell them however that the visions started. They were just flashes at first. Small peaks at something big. Then it was just a face, his face. His angelic features and soft full lipped smile that stole the breath from your lungs. He felt big. Really big. Life changing, earth shattering big. You didn't even tell Lily, your closest friend, about him.

As the visions progressed, you began to see the world around him. His family and pack. He was a wolf shifter. When you began to realize what he was and who you were to him, you knew you'd have to tell Lily.

Lily had always been stubborn when it had come to matters of the heart. She hated when you'd flirt with Balthazar. She'd find it annoying or just gross. You'd roll your eyes and move on. You couldn't fault her. Her upbringing in the ancient warrior packs made her hard and serious. She didn't believe in the concept of mates. You hadn't really either until your visions had showed you the love stories of pack you were destined to join.

When you'd told Lily of your vision, you'd expected her to scoff at you. She'd reacted so incredibly angrily. It had shocked you. You'd fought of course over length of your friendship. Lily very seldom yelled at you. Something deeper was at play. You knew she was feeling the pull of the mating call. She was also desperately trying to drown it out.

You knew he was coming and you knew why. You couldn't wait. It was time. They were ready. Then a vision danced across your mind of your parents and Balthazar in deep conversation. You desperately tried to understand what about. They all were smiling and your mother handed him a ring. A ring. Her ring. The world around you came crashing to halt. No fucking way were they taking this from you.

You were curt with Balthazar. You were never curt or rude. You were so incredibly angry that once again they were trying to trap you further into the shadows. You made your opinion very clear. You also made it clear that you were leaving here.

You were packing lightly for travel. You looked around your bedroom. You'd been here since you'd turned 19. Another illusion of freedom that was actually just another cage. You knew you'd never return here. You felt her presence before she even reached your door.

"Come in." You said softly knowing her shifter ears would hear you.

Lily entered the bedroom. She watched you carefully. She didn't say anything. You knew she was strategically trying to figure out what was going on with you. She waited. You continued to pack. You felt her eyes following you everywhere you went. She sighed deeply.

"Poppy." She said firmly.

"Yes?" You said stopping and looking at her.

"Not that I didn't love watching Balthazar look like a sad puppy, but what is going on?" She asked folding her arms across her chest.

"We need to help this pack. It feels... it feels important. I can't explain it. It's just a deep feeling in my gut." You say hoping she will just go with it.

If you told her the whole truth that the pack you were about to go help had both of your mates in it, she'd freak. She eyed you carefully. She handed you her cellphone.

"The number of your mother's friend." She said calmly.

"Thanks." You said taking the phone.

You dialed the number. It rang twice.

"Hello?" A familiar voice said on the other end.

"Sebastian?" You said tentatively.

"Poppy. Thank God." He said sighing in relief.

"I was afraid your parents weren't going to reach out to you." He said softly.

"They did. Tell me." You said gently.

"Sage has found a pack. Odd, I know. She is happy. Her mate is a good man. Her alpha is unlike any I have ever heard of. He is apparently welcoming of all the races. He is kind and compassionate. There is this pack trying to start a war. I have heard of them before. They are know as the Blood Wolves." He explained exhaustion in his tone.

"I have heard of them. That isn't exactly who you want sniffing around your front door." You said thoughts swirling.

"No it isn't. They need help. My daughter needs help." He said pleadingly.

"We are heading that way as soon as possible." You said reassuringly.

"Thank you Poppy." He said quietly.

"Of course Sebastian." You said and you hung up the phone.

"So Sage is the panther?" Lily said thinking hard.

"Yes." You said as you handed her phone to her.

You went back to packing. Lily left the room without a word. She was probably going to go pack. She'd never met Sage. You had. She was a fiery girl who'd never been afraid of you. Even when she'd seen you deal out the council's justice. She'd always wanted to play and watch you do simple magic. That was until her family moved away.

You sat on the edge of your bed. You relaxed your mind and thought of him. The one who haunted your dreams. He appeared. Perfection personified. Beautiful. Angelic. Ethereal. His smile never ending. Your heart raced. He bent to pick up a small boy who was laughing. He blew raspberries on his chunky little cheeks. You couldn't help but smile at the scene. He calmed you despite being thousands of miles away from him.  Not for long. Soon you'd be with him.

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