xiii. there are no words in the english language

Start from the beginning

Lucas nodded confidently. "I got this."

Jack threw him a lazy thumbs up. "You got this."

The two piled into Jack's mom's car and drove off to Hawkins Middle School. Lucas had been fidgeting the whole time by playing with his hands and moving in his seat.

Jack didn't comment on it till they arrived at the school. "Stop being so nervous. Worst case scenario she doesn't dance with you, so what? It's a middle school dance, that shit won't matter in ten years."

Lucas hesitantly went to open the door but stopped himself. "You're positive?"

"I'm positive." Lucas nodded and whispered something to himself as he slowly opened the door.

"Good luck."

Lucas slammed the door, and Jack watched him as he walked into the school building being greeted by the redhead he's been worrying about all night.

Jack waved at her and drove off. Jack pulled into a parking space and decided to stay there for a bit. He had nothing else planned tonight, and listening to the radio was always a perfect way to end his night.

He took off his seatbelt and turned up the radio. Highway to Hell by AC/DC blasted through the speakers off his car, all other noises around him disappearing.

A few minutes later, he was interrupted by a loud knocking on his passenger seat window. He jumped in his seat but unlocked the door when he saw it was just Steve.

Steve slid into the passenger seat. "Jesus, Steve. You scared me half to death, what are you doing here?"

"Dropping Dustin off, what are you doing here?" He curiously asked.

"I just dropped off Lucas."

Steve nodded. "I was about to leave the school when I noticed you. So I decided to join you."

Jack's cheeks turned a crimson red. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, it is so." Steve turned the radio down.

The car felt more silent and awkward after that, he looked at Steve who seemed even more nervous than Lucas had.

"Steve? You alive over there?"

"We never did get to finish our conversation."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What conversation? We've had many."

"The one in Johnathon's room."

"Oh, I guess we didn't," Jack said, nervously.

Steve took a deep breath "Well I- I've been meaning to ask you this question for a long time. But, whenever I try to, I can never get the words out. These past few weeks, I've been so curious about where we stand."

"Where we stand?" Jack asked.

"Like, relationship-wise." Steve's face was red like a rose. "Because, we both like each other, but we haven't really specified it."

Jack smirked at the taller boy. "You asking me out Harrington?"

"Something like that."

"You mean-"

"Doyouwanttobemyboyfriend?" The teen said hastily.


"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked slower, emphasizing each word.

Jack looked at Steve, he had his Stupid Steve Harrington gaze, but it was mixed with fear and worry. His maroon sweater stood out in the beige exterior of his mom's car, his cheeks were rosy red, and his hair was perfect, as usual.

Steve's face was gripped by his hands, and he pulled him towards his lips. Jack slowly connected their lips, it lasted only a few seconds, but it was short and sweet, and everything Jack loved.

"I'm guessing that's a yes."

"Shut up," Jack said as he pulled Steve in for a more intense passionate kiss. His lips fell soft against Jack's chapped ones, like a blade meeting a pillow. He wraps his arm around Jack's waist, as the smaller boy cups his cheeks into both his hands. His tongue brushes against Steve's as he moves towards the brunette's lap.

Steve lowers his hands down Jack's back as he grinds onto the other boy passionately. Jack pulls away, and Steve moans in annoyance. "It was a yes by the way."

The brunette rolls his eyes. "I'm well aware, can we get back to business, please?" He tries to reconnect their lips but Jack pulls away.

"My mom's not home." He smirks.

"That's way better," Steve smirks back. "I'll meet you there, okay?" Jack climbs back over to the driver's seat and kisses Steve on the cheek as he gets out of the passenger seat.

Jack watches his boyfriend, his boyfriend drive off, and all he feels is happiness.

oh my god. i love them so much
the first part of the story is sadly
over, but i'm so excited to write
Steve and Jack as a couple. I am
so excited to write robin and jacks
dynamic. tysm for all the support!

𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now