Chapter 28 - Struggle For Control

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Chapter 28 – Struggle for Control

The alarm clock woke me up and I still felt pain all over my upper body. I remembered that Lucian and I were supposed to have a training session today in order to control my darkness affinity. I got up from my bed and I went over to my closet to get dressed properly for today. It was a day off so I had no business wearing a uniform today. I slipped on a fitting blue colored shirt with an emblem of a dragon on it while I wore my signature black slim fit jeans and a pair of white sneakers. I went over to the side of my bed and got my sheathed katana as I held it on my left hand. I was looking for my beanie when suddenly I had heard a knock on my door.

"Wait a second." I had said as I wondered on who would be knocking at my dorm at this time of day. I should just forget about wearing a beanie today. I went over to the door and opened it afterwards. To my surprise I saw Yue standing at the doorstep. She was dressed in a short skirt with boots and she wore a shirt that actually made her look like a woman. What the hell did she want with me today?

"What do you want ditz?" I said to her

"Who're you calling a ditz? I just saved your life the other day you know!" Yue had shouted at me. Crap so noisy this early in the morning. It was already 10:30 am by the way.

I had remembered that Dr. Lett had told me that she was the one who actually saved my life in the infirmary. My wounds were life threatening the doctor had said because Lucian's techniques were actually meant to kill. I know I would get a rematch with him someday without this darkness inside me interfering for a change.

"Please help me…"

I remembered that those were the exact words I said to the darkness in me. I pleaded for it to help me. I was disgusted at myself as I remembered that happening because in the end, it was right. I needed its power. The darkness in myself had shown me how weak I was and the fight with the prefect of Block B had just insisted that further.

"You okay?" Yue had asked me. She probably noticed that I was thinking again.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied to her coldly. I looked around the dorm area and saw Elle's dorm. The door seemd to be shut tight as I went over to it to examine it further; it seemed that she's not in her dorm today.

"Elle's back in her house at Aldwin. She said to me yesterday that she had wanted to go back and see her mother and the dayoff today seemed to be just the right time." Yue had said to me.

"Oh…" I had replied to her. That figures. Elle was the type of person who cherished her family. I had remembered her telling that to me when we had talked at the roof.

"So, shall we get going?" Yue had asked me.

"Go where?" I had asked her in return. What the hell is she taling about? I'm supposed to be training with Lucian today.

"Lucian had asked me to pick you up for training. He asked me if I could accompany you guys and I agreed." Yue had said to me.

"What?!" I had said in surprised. Now I actually have a huge distraction while training. "Great, how am I going to focus now…" I said afterwards.

"Why do you always have to be such a jerk?!" Yue had said to me in an outburst. Great she's pissed again and I haven't even done anything.

"Because you're always being a ditz." I replied to her coldly.

"Stop calling me that!" Yue had said to me. She was already annoyed.

"Make me." I replied to her.

"Fine, if you don't then I won't tell you where Lucian is. You don't even know where you guys are going to train are you?" she had said to me as she was trying to annoy me.

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