Chapter 9 - Know Your Place

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Chapter 9 – Know Your Place

It had been two days since my mini adventure in the Treyah Tower and it was already Monday morning. The time on the clock was 7:30am and my first class was at 8:00am and the course was ANHUMBO, which was going to last for an hour, then it will be followed by COMBASIC at 9:00am and it will last for an hour as well. I have a one hour break at 10:00 and my class resumes at 11:00 with HISTOWA as the class. I remembered that my final exam in HISTOWA will be held today so I crammed everything last night and stayed up until 3:00am. I only have a few hours of sleep present in my system as I took my sheathed katana, a thick envelope containing some papers and got out of my room. I was already dressed in my school uniform and I had already made my way towards the classroom in which my general education classes are being held.

I made it to the classroom and sat down on my usual seat which was at the back of the room. The students in my section were feeling really tense about the final exam that was going to take place in our History class hours from now.

"Hey did you study?" I had heard one student ask his friend in my class.

"Yeah, but I know I can't pass this exam because the professor really gives difficult tests. Last term only half of his class passed their HISTOWA course." The other student replied.

As far as I was concerned, I've always aced all my General Education tests. It may not look like it, but I once contended with Yue for class prefect, but due to my discipline record (getting into fights mostly) I was disqualified from the position, but I never really wanted to be a prefect. It involved too much drama.

Then suddenly I saw Yue actually going near me this morning. She walked towards my seat and she looked different. Her smug self was not to be seen when I had looked at her face and it was as if she was going to start a decent conversation with me.

"So Seiryu, did you study for the finals?" she had asked me and this drew the attention of the students present in the room.

"Why is she talking to him?" I heard one of the girls say.

"Has she gone insane?" another one said.

I did not reply to her question, but instead, I said:

"What do you want from me?"

Suddenly the look on her face changed. I can now see her typical smug face rise from her expression. I know that she was heating up with anger inside her and it gave me a satisfaction of a lifetime just to see her like that.

"I was just trying to start a normal conversation with you!" she had shouted at me. I gave her a look with a smirk on my face.

"Well you're looking at the wrong guy. I don't do normal conversations." I had said to her

She then attempted to slap me, but I stopped her hand by grabbing her wrist just at the right time and I stood up from seat without letting go of her wrist.


He held on to my wrist and suddenly he was getting closer to me. Seiryu looked as if he was examining my face. His eyes focused on my own and I felt my cheeks burn again. Why does he have that effect on me? Why did he have to look so good and have a bad attitude at the same time? It was so irritating. I just stood in front of him and he suddenly let go of me.

"Are you blushing?" I had heard him ask with a smirk on his face. How could he tell? Damn he was just too good.

"I'm not! I-I-I was just- I have a cold that's all." I tried to lie to him. Crap this was not good, we were making a scene inside our classroom. Only a few people here know what I really feel about Seiryu and if the rest find out, especially if Seiryu finds out, I will not know what I would do.

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