Chapter 22 - A Night to Remember

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Chapter 22 – A Night to Remember

We had made it to the parking lot of the Academy and immediately we both got of the motorbike. Thankfully her hair and dress wasn't messed up by the wind produced from my speed driving which meant that there would be no complaints from her for the rest of the night. I let out the stand on my motorbike and I engaged the handbrake afterwards. I opened the compartment of the motorbike which was the chair itself and took the required corsage.

"Here you go." I said to Yue coldly as I gave her the corsage. It was a blue flower that suited suited the color of her dress. I saw her smile as I turned my back on her and started walking towards the entrance of the Academy. She followed me and said.

"That's so sweet of you, thank you…"

Whoa, was she trying to be formal? It's so not like her and besides I still didn't really feel like I was enjoying the night. It felt such a drag to keep up with the formalities and stuff.

"Hmm" I uttered coldly and we both had walked and made our way towards the Treyah Ballroom.

General POV

Yue and Seiryu made it inside the Treyah Ballroom just in time. It looked very elegant and it felt like the students were not in Treyah anymore. The ballroom had a castle feel to it as a huge chandelier dangled from the ceiling. The floor had tiles that had elegant patterns on it and there were two sets of staircases present, one on the far left and one on the far right. The ballroom had a very wide area to accommodate the third years and the second years. Guys were dressed in the standard Tuteur Gala Uniform, while the girls wore varying dresses.

Yue and Seiryu walked around the ballroom in order to find a table. She still had the corsage that the long haired student had given her. Not long after that Yue had met up with her friends from Block D while Seiryu had already strayed away from her. He took a glass of champagne from the table and he made his way to a corner near the entrance of the ballroom and he put his back against the wall while he drank the liquor he had in hand. He then saw Zaix get near him. The black haired man was with his partner Reina.

"Yo Seiryu!" Zaix had shouted as he went near his friend. Seiryu kept a silent aura. "So where's your partner?" he added.

"Went off with her friends. I prefer it this way." Seiryu had said as ballroom music had started playing. Reina pulled Zaix away from Seiryu.

"C'mon let's dance!" she had said

"Yo man, see you around!" Zaix had said as he got pulled away by Reina on the dancefloor.

Seiryu still stayed at where he was and continued to drink his glass of champagne. HE looked at the people dancing in the center of the ballroom. It seems that they were enjoying themselves very well.

"Dancing was just not my thing." He thought to himself and he then looked around and saw Lucian going near Yue.

"Probably going to ask her to dance." He thought again

"Miss Yue, would you care to dance with me?" Lucian had said to her as he stretched out his hand towards her. Some of the girls with Yue had screamed in joy as she had accepted the gentleman like student's offer to dance.

Seiryu was still just looking at the dancefloor as he saw Yue and Lucian dance and some others were dancing also. He really didn't care whom Yue was dancing with for they were just partners in the sake of formality. Elle had then taken notice of Seiryu standing in the corner and immediately went near him. She was wearing a white simple dress with only one thick strap coming from the left shoulder. The dress brought out her goddess like figure and her white sandals with heels had complimented her outfit. Like Yue, she didn't wear that much make-up and she wore only some face powder, lip gloss and blush on.

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