Chapter 23 - Lucian's Challenge

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Chapter 23 – Lucian's Challenge

I stood on the otherside of the Academy roof and still I had that smile on my face. The call I had to make to Seiryu was now drawing near. Perhaps it's time to ask him to join our team because he seems to have proven himself against Melfice. He'd better learn that I do not take no for an answer.

Genuine change was hard to achieve, especially with that kind of trauma haunting Seiryu's mind. I had already delved deeply in his mind and in doing so, I have learned a lot about him. Traumatized by losing his brother in the Intercontinental Wars, it led him to seclusion. It may sound like self pity to most people but it is really traumatizing. He truly was the same with me, but as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

"What are you going to do?" I had asked out loud. "The darkness is strong in you friend. I can feel it." I had added as I smiled again.

Sensing a presence near the door I braced myself. The door had opened and I faced towards that direction. It was a classmate of min in my block. She had orange hair that reached up to her neck and her yellow eyes, looked at me with an expression of a normal teenage girl.

"Lucian class is almost starting." She had said.

"I know. I'll be right there Miss Furei." I had said to her as I smiled.

I had always been formal since I was a little boy. My father had trained me to be so. He taught me manners, how to act like a gentleman and how to treat and address women properly. I grew up in a formal household for my father was huge stakeholder and partner of this academy, but that didn't matter to me. Many students respect me in school for my achievements. I am a prefect of Block B, but I am not proud of anything that I have. At the back of my mind, I had always thought that there is always more to life than this.

Reaching the classroom, I had gone in and my classmates had greeted me with utmost welcome. I liked my Block, for they were always so accommodating and mature. I consider these groups of people more like a family than the one I have at home. Immediately a classmate of mine came near me holding a notebook; it seems that he needed help with some homework.

"Hey Lucian, I can't quite get the logic of this text I have on my notes for COMBASIC, can you help me out." He had said as he showed me his notes. It was about setting mission parameters.

"It's quite simple actually, here it says that there is a main mission objective and the instruction says you have to atleast set three mission parameters in order to complete the mission with tiniest margin of error possible. It simply means that you odd man out the non beneficial objectives given in this problem." I had said to him and immediately I had seen in his facial expression that he got it.

"Thanks Lucian, you're a genius!" he had exclaimed as he left and started to work on his notes even more. He turned back to me and said.

"Oh yeah, you're competing in the tTri Interschool Tournament with Melfice right? Wish you guys luck!" he had said and everyone in class heard him and they had started a fuss. It seems that the class had supported me enough. It makes me feel glad that they do.

"You'll do great man help us take the title again!" one student had said

"Go get'em Lucian!" another student had said.

"AHHHHH LUCIAN I LOVE YOU!" I had heard a fan girl in my class had said.

"Now now guys, I'll assure you that I'll do my best." I had said to everyone in class. I knew now that I had to get Seiryu in the team. The professor had arrived in our class and I made my way to my seat in order to start listening to class.

Seiryu POV

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