Chapter 29 - Getting Ready

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Chapter 29 – Getting Ready

I had been walking alone as usual in the corridor as I exited the second year training room because my SPARBLADE1 class had just finished. It had been a day after I had succeeded in controlling the darkness in me, but I still needed to work on it to master the darkness entirely. I carried a huge bag that contained my P.E uniform and I held my katana on my right hand. I made my way towards my dorm just to drop off my duffel bag. I opened the door to my dormitory and dropped my bag down on the floor. I went over to my study table to check some stuff and I noticed that my phone was vibrating. I checked it out and there had been mail to me. It was Lucian.

"Participants of the Tri Interschool Tournament are meeting in front of the entire batch in the auditorium. Be here at 3:00 sharp" – Lucian

Just how the hell did he get my mail anyway? Yue probably squealed it out or something, but whatever. I looked on the clock and saw it was already 1:40 in the afternoon. I still had enough freetime as I felt my stomach grumble. I was hungry, so I decided I would just go to the cafeteria to get some grub. I grabbed my sheathed katana and got out of my dorm. I walked towards the second year hallway which led to the main circle of the academy. Once I as in the main circle, I went to the hallway that had a signboard and an arrow which had read "cafeteria".

Once I got to the cafeteria, I noticed that there was a short line in the food serving stand. I made my way towards the lunch lady.

"What'll it be?" she had said. Her voice was annoying and I looked around in the food served. There was pasta, bread and hotdogs line upped separately while I also saw mashed potatoes and breaded chicken strips on the other side. I decided I would just get the chicken strips and mashed potatoes.

"The chicken strips and a small bowl of mashed potatoes." I had said to the lunch lady as I handed her my lunch tray. I moved over to the left side to get my beverage which was a can of grape soda and the lunch lady handed me my food tray with the plate of chicken strips and a bowl of mashed potatoes on the side. I walked over to get a table and fortunately I found one that had no people in it yet. I sat down and I started to eat the food that I had with a fork that was present. Cafeteria food had tasted not that bad, but I could tell that this food was cooked in a rush.

I chewed the chicken strip and swallowed afterwards and in that time I had heard someone shout in the food kiosk.

"WHAT?! No more Bacon and Cheese sandwiches?!" the voice had said as I looked over to where it came from. It was Melfice he was actually devastated because the cafeteria had ran out of Bacon and Cheese sandwich. I saw him walk away with dismay as his food tray was only filled with hotdogs and pasta. I hope that he won't notice that I'm here, but it was a little too late for that.

"Hey Seiryu!" I heard him shout at me. Well, so much for peace and quiet. He went near my table. I really hated noise especially right now. He sat down on the opposite side and took a bite of his hotdog sandwich.

"Great what do you want?" I asked him I was in no mood for a chat.

"16 Academies." He said and I wondered what the hell is he talking about. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"16 Academies, this includes us, will participate in the Tri Interschool Tournament." Melfice had said to me. "The four continents namely, Treyah Region, Kuluac Region, Firiac Region, and Zoroa region and each have four representative Academies." He added.

"Let me guess, elimination bracket system right?" I asked Melfice and he nodded. So it was that type of tournament. The usual fight style but instead of one person we fight in teams.

"Do you know who our team mates are?" Melfice had asked me.

"Like I care" I replied to him coldly as I ate some more food. It seems as if that I had irritated Melfice a little.

Tsumetai (Season 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora